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How do I grep multiple words in Solaris?

How do I grep for multiple patterns?

  1. Use single quotes in the pattern: grep ‘pattern*’ file1 file2.
  2. Next use extended regular expressions: egrep ‘pattern1|pattern2’ *. py.
  3. Finally, try on older Unix shells/oses: grep -e pattern1 -e pattern2 *. pl.
  4. Another option to grep two strings: grep ‘word1\|word2’ input.

How do I enable grep?

How to use the grep command in Linux

  1. Grep Command Syntax: grep [options] PATTERN [FILE…]
  2. Examples of using ‘grep’
  3. grep foo /file/name.
  4. grep -i “foo” /file/name.
  5. grep ‘error 123’ /file/name.
  6. grep -r “” /etc/
  7. grep -w “foo” /file/name.
  8. egrep -w ‘word1|word2’ /file/name.

What does * do in grep?

Searching for Metacharacters

Character Matches
[^…] Any character not in the list or range
* Zero or more occurrences of the preceding character or regular expression
.* Zero or more occurrences of any single character
\ The escape of special meaning of next character

How do you grep a star?

When an asterisk ( * ) follows a character, grep interprets the asterisk as “zero or more instances of that character.” When the asterisk follows a regular expression, grep interprets the asterisk as “zero or more instances of characters matching the pattern.”

What is grep short for?

grep Global regular expression print. The grep command comes from the command used by the ed program (a simple and venerable Unix text editor) to print all lines matching a certain pattern: g/re/p.

What is the full form of grep?

Global regular expression print
grep/Stands for

How does grep f work?

In grep , -F will cause patterns to match literally i.e. no Regex interpretation is done on the pattern(s). Multiple patterns can be inputted by \n i.e. newline separation. Not all shells convert \n to newline by default, you can use $’a\nh’ in that case.

How to use grep as a filter in Solaris?

To use grepas a filter, you must pipe the output of the command through grep. The symbol for pipe is “|”. The following example displays files that end in “.ps” and were created in the month of September. $ ls -l *.ps | grep Sep

Can you use grep to search for patterns?

You can also use the grep command to search for targets that are defined as patterns by using regular expressions. Regular expressions consist of letters and numbers, in addition to characters with special meaning to grep. These special characters, called metacharacters, also have special meaning to the system.

What can you do with regular expressions in grep?

Using Regular Expressions With grep. You can also use the grep command to search for targets that are defined as patterns by using regular expressions. Regular expressions consist of letters and numbers, in addition to characters with special meaning to grep. These special characters, called metacharacters, also have special meaning to the system.

What do you do with special characters in grep?

These special characters, called metacharacters, also have special meaning to the system. When you use regular expressions with the grep command, you need to tell your system to ignore the special meaning of these metacharacters by escapingthem.