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How do I contact ISC Los Angeles?

  1. 5800 W Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045. Westchester.
  2. (310) 337-8700.

What is the Los Angeles CA international distribution center?

If your tracking says something similar to “Arrived at USPS Regional Facility LOS ANGELES CA INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER” that indicates that your order has left the USA and is in transit to your country.

What does ISC Los Angeles stand for?

Los Angeles International Service Center – International Air Mail Records Unit.

What does it mean when a package is processed through facility?

To kick things off, if you see the “Processed Through Facility ISC New York NY (USPS)” status update in your tracking information it simply means that your package is at US Customs.

What does processed through regional facility mean?

Processed through facility means it has left the country and is somewhere in transit or in that country. To see if it has arrived and where it is in the system, you need to go to that postal system and input any tracking numbers there.

What does item is currently in transit to the destination mean?

The overwhelming majority of the time that you see the “The Item is Currently in Transit to the Destination” tracking message it means that your package is one USPS facility away from arriving at your local post office or USPS fulfillment center where it’s actually going to be processed for delivery.

What does it mean when a package is processed through ISC?

How long does it take for a package to go through a sorting facility?

USPS First Class Mail takes 1-3 days to arrive however, there are variables that can add 1-3 days to delivery! It all depends on the distance from the sender sorting facility to a recipient sorting facility and from there, the recipient sorting facility to your address.

How long after leaving the regional distribution facility will my package arrive?

How long after leaving the regional distribution facility will my package arrive? In most cases, the same day. At USPS mail is transported to local post office in the early morning for delivery that day.

Why has my package been at the distribution center for so long?

Whenever your package reaches the next distribution center, the shipping label is scanned and the tracking information updates with its new location. Basically, a “stuck in transit” message means that your shipment hasn’t been scanned at any distribution depot in the last 24 hours.