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How do I access Hkcu of another user?

Open regedit and select HKEY_USERS then go to File->Load Hive. Browse to the users Hive file, usually NTUSER. DAT located at %userprofile%. This of course requires you to be admin or have access to the users hive file.

How do you edit a registry file?


  1. Open the Windows Run dialog box by pressing the Windows + R keys (Windows keyboard) or Command + R keys (Mac keyboard).
  2. In the Run dialog box, type Regedit and click OK.
  3. The Registry Editor dialog box will open.
  4. Continue expanding folders to locate the Reg Key you need to create, edit, or delete.

Do you need admin rights to edit the registry?

To be able to change any setting, including system settings, you must open the Registry Editor as an administrator. Of course, you need to be signed in to your Windows operating system as an administrator to be able to run the Registry Editor with elevated privileges.

How do I edit Hkcu for another user?

How to edit HKEY_CURRENT_USER for another user

  1. Connect to the remote computer’s registry using the REGEDIT command.
  2. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList.
  3. Note the folders are named with the SID names of every users that has logged onto that computer.

How do I edit Hkcu for all users?

  1. Find the key/s you want under HKCU in regedit, export it/them.
  2. Now right click on the HKEY_USERS key and select load hive.
  3. in your exported reg file replace all instances of [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ with [HKEY_USERS\NAMEHERE\ (or whatever you named your hive) and save the file.
  4. double click the reg file to merge it.

How do I use the registry editor?

How to Use the Windows Registry Editor

  1. Press Win+R to summon the Run dialog box.
  2. Type regedit and press Enter.
  3. In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, click the Yes or Continue button or type the administrator’s password. Behold the Registry Editor window on the screen.
  4. Close the Registry Editor window when you’re done.

How do I edit text in registry?

Save the text file to your computer, then right-click on it and rename it with a REG extension. Now when you double-click this file, it will make changes to the registry.

What is the difference between HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_USERS?

Contains all the actively loaded user profiles on the computer. HKEY_CURRENT_USER is a subkey of HKEY_USERS. HKEY_USERS is sometimes abbreviated as HKU. Contains configuration information particular to the computer (for any user).

What is the difference between HKEY_CURRENT_USER and Hkey_users?

How to manually edit the Windows Registry?

Edit the Registry. The Registry contains two basic elements: keys and values.

  • Type the key name and click Find Next.
  • Edit the key’s value data. When you find the key,double-click it to edit the value data.
  • Click OK to save your edits. Some edits may require a Windows restart to take effect. If necessary,you can restore your Registry backup.
  • How do I send a file to another user?

    Moving Files between Users in Windows Log into your user account when you first start Windows up. Click the Start menu. Click on “Computer” in the right panel of the menu. Find the files you will transfer. Select the files you want to transfer by highlighting them. Copy the files. Select the location where to transfer the files to.

    How do I open and edit the Windows Registry Editor?

    Click on “Start” button,type “run” in the search bar. You”ll see the “Run” program,click on it.

  • Run dialog box will open,write “REGEDIT” and press “OK” button to open the registry editor.
  • Now,”Registry editor” will open then you can make the changes in the editor,as required.
  • Where is the registry located in Windows 10?

    The Windows Registry files are located in the system32/config folder, but you, of course, need to use the built-in registry editing utility called Regedit to handle Registry which you can access by the following locations: Hit the Start Button > Run > type Regedit and hit enter.