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How bad is pancreatic surgery?

Up to half of patients develop serious complications and 2 to 4 percent do not survive the procedure — one of the highest mortality rates for any operation. One common complication is leakage of fluid from the pancreas after the surgery, often in large amounts that can cause an abscess and lead to infection and sepsis.

Why one Cannot live without the pancreas?

It’s possible to live without a pancreas. But when the entire pancreas is removed, people are left without the cells that make insulin and other hormones that help maintain safe blood sugar levels. These people develop diabetes, which can be hard to manage because they are totally dependent on insulin shots.

Can a tumor in the pancreas be removed?

Total Pancreatectomy As the least common pancreatic cancer surgery, this procedure is used when tumors extend throughout the pancreas. In a total pancreatectomy, surgeons remove the entire pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, common bile duct and portions of the small intestine and stomach.

Is it possible to remove the head of the pancreas?

Surgeries for other parts of the pancreas are described below, and are done if it’s possible to remove all of the cancer. This is the most common operation to remove a cancer in the head of the pancreas. During this operation, the surgeon removes the head of the pancreas and sometimes the body of the pancreas as well.

How long does it take for a distal pancreatectomy?

The part of your pancreas that remains will be closed with sutures (stitches) or staples (see Figure 2). Your surgery will take 2 to 4 hours. Figure 2. Your pancreas after your distal pancreatectomy Arrow (up) icon. The information in this section will help you get ready for your surgery.

What happens if you have a total pancreatectomy?

This condition is caused by high levels of insulin, which makes your blood sugar drop very low. Surgery to remove your whole pancreas is called a total pancreatectomy. Because other organs sit close to your pancreas, the surgeon may also remove:

Which is the most common procedure to remove pancreas cancer?

Whipple procedure (pancreaticoduodenectomy) This is the most common operation to remove a cancer in the head of the pancreas. During this operation, the surgeon removes the head of the pancreas and sometimes the body of the pancreas as well.