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Does WSJ have a teacher discount?

WSJ for Professors | Discounted Subscription Rates for Educators.

How much is a yearly subscription to WSJ?

You will be charged $19.50 + tax monthly for the first 12 months, $38.99 + tax per month thereafter. Your credit card will be automatically billed monthly in advance. You can cancel any time.

Does WSJ have a student discount?

Yes. Visit to take advantage of our discounted student offers.

How can I get WSJ cheap?

What is the cheapest WSJ subscription? The least expensive way to subscribe to WSJ Digital is their $4 per month subscription (if available). If you also want Print delivery, the cheapest short-term subscription is their “$12 for 12 weeks” promotion.

How do I access WSJ+?

WSJ+ requires an active WSJ subscription with digital credentials to log into If you are an existing print subscriber and need to activate your digital access, locate your subscription at the WSJ Customer Center. To purchase a subscription to WSJ with digital access please visit the WSJ Store.

How hard is it to cancel WSJ subscription?

Call 1 800 568 7625 and wait for the customer service agent to pick up. Ask them to cancel your subscription. Provide any details they ask for. Ask for an email of confirmation.

How much does WSJ+ cost?

WSJ+ is the complimentary benefits program included in your Wall Street Journal membership. WSJ+ gives members exclusive access to events, experiences, special offers, insights and more. There is no additional fee for WSJ+.

What is the WSJ+ Book Club?

About the Offer WSJ+ is proud to present our WSJ+ Book Club offer, inviting members to redeem a complimentary ebook of their choice from our selection of page-turners every month. Once redeemed, ebooks can be read through our ereader partner, Glose, using the Glose app or website.