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Does UOFM have dorms?

We offer diverse housing options across campus, including nine residence halls and four apartment buildings, each with its own vibe.

What is Lake Michigan College known for?

Lake Michigan College offers over 80 different academic programs, including career education, transfer programs, part-time and full-time options and online learning. Even before students graduate from high school, LMC has partnered with local school systems to offer college-level coursework to qualified students.

How much is Lake Michigan tuition?

6,653 USD (2019 – 20)
Lake Michigan College/Undergraduate tuition and fees

How many students go to Lake Michigan College?

4,654 (2011)
Lake Michigan College/Total enrollment

Do freshmen have to live on campus at university of Michigan?

Students are not required to live on campus — although about 97 percent of first-year students choose to live in Michigan Housing for the community, convenience and security. Living on campus is a big advantage in making the transition to university life.

How much is a dorm at U of M?

Housing and dining costs at U-M are bundled together. In 2020 the average student paid about $11,996 to cover cost of living….U-M Housing and Meal Plan Costs.

Expense On Campus Off Campus
Room and Board $12,034 $12,034
Other Living Expenses $2,454 $2,454
Books and Supplies $1,048 $1,048
Total $15,536 $15,536

Is Lake Michigan College a community college?

Lake Michigan College is a community college in Berrien County, Michigan. The main campus is in Benton Township, Michigan with regional campuses in Niles and South Haven.

How much is Lake Michigan College per credit hour?

Tuition Totals by Contact Hour – 2021-2022 Academic Year

Contact Hours In-District Out-of-District
1 $162.00 $229.50
2 $324.00 $459.00
3 $486.00 $688.50
4 $648.00 $918.00

Can freshmen have cars at University of Michigan?

Parking for students at the University of Michigan is extremely limited, and the University recommends that students leave their cars at home. First-Year Students and sophomores are not eligible to apply for daily parking permits offered through U-M Logistics, Parking, and Transportation Services.

Can you pick your roommate at University of Michigan?

You may search for a roommate via our roommate finder. To request a roommate, ALL roommates must: Enter the 8-digit U-M student ID number of the other roommates on the application. Enter the same housing preferences including North Campus neighborhood preference, room environment, and room type rate group.