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Does dengue affect menstrual cycle?

In sexually active women, dengue can co-present with menstruation and this can lead to severe dysmenorrhea and excessive menstrual bleeding [2] .

How long does fatigue last after dengue?

Most people fully recover from dengue fever, although the weakness and fatigue may last for several weeks. After infection with one of the four strains of dengue fever, the body is immune to that strain of the virus, and temporarily immune to the other strains for about a year.

What are the long term side effects of dengue fever?

Well, here are the four long-term impacts of dengue fever:

  • Hair fall. Hair loss is a problem that is more or less seen in many people who have been affected from dengue fever.
  • Joint and muscle pain. This problem prevails when you are dealing with dengue and at times even after recovery.
  • Deficiencies.
  • Anxiety and depression.

How can I regain energy after dengue fever?

Diet tips for dengue for fast recovery

  1. Foods to eat.
  2. Papaya leaf juice. Papaya leaf juice is a quite famous remedy for dengue fever.
  3. Vegetable juices. Vegetables are rich in essential nutrients.
  4. Coconut water. It is recommended to drink coconut water in dengue to avoid dehydration.
  5. Herbal tea.
  6. Neem leaves.
  7. Foods to avoid.

How can I recover my weakness after dengue?

Ensure that you take a lot of fluids and stay well hydrated. Drink adequate water and other fluids like coconut water, papaya leaf juice, neem juice and other juices at frequent intervals to keep your body well hydrated.

Can menstruation cause low platelet count?

Your platelet count may go down if you are about to have a menstrual period, are pregnant, or are taking birth control pills. Certain medicines can also affect your platelet count.

Does dengue cause tiredness?

Dengue is mostly considered an acute illness with three phases: febrile, critical with possible hemorrhagic manifestations, and recovery. But some patients present persistent symptoms, including fatigue and depression, as acknowledged by the World Health Organization.

How do you treat post Covid fatigue?

If you still feel fatigued after self-isolation but overall, you’re improving, keep being gentle with yourself. Slowly try a small amount of light activity that is manageable (probably less than you think) with regular rests. Be mindful that you may feel more tired the next day. Be realistic and kind to yourself.

Does dengue make you sleepy?

Dengue takes a severe toll on your immune system, which may increase your chances of getting sick easily. People may also feel weak and tired.

How long does it take for platelet count to recover after dengue?

The platelet count tends to recover within 24 to 48 hours in dengue patient if the value of Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) is more than 8%.

Does dengue weaken immune system?

Researchers discover how dengue suppresses the human immune system. Scientists have discovered a new pathway the dengue virus takes to suppress the human immune system. This new knowledge deepens our understanding of the virus and could contribute to the development of more effective therapeutics.

How long should you rest after dengue?

Take enough rest All dengue survivors, especially those who spent time in the ICU (Intensive care unit) should take at least a couple of weeks’ rest at home before resuming their normal schedules. Travelling and work need to be avoided during this time. Sleep at least eight hours a day.

What are the symptoms of post dengue fatigue syndrome?

One of the long-term displays is post dengue fatigue syndrome (PDFS). Post dengue fatigue syndrome (PDFS) is not an uncommon occurrence. It comprises of a variety of symptoms complex ranging from fatigue, muscle weakness and variable neurological abnormalities which have been reported in various parts of the world.

What are some of the side effects of dengue?

Here are 5 common side effects of dengue. Patients with a history of dengue have higher anxiety and stress symptoms as compared to others. They may suffer from psychiatric and psychological conditions which are important to tackle. People while recovering from severe dengue often complain of excessive hair loss.

What happens to your hair after a dengue infection?

People while recovering from severe dengue often complain of excessive hair loss. This type of hair loss can last up to 1-2 months after acute dengue infection. A few people affected with dengue also develop alopecia (hair fall in small patches) because of medications, metabolic or hormonal stress or severe systemic infections.

How long do symptoms of post menstrual syndrome last?

Typically, post-menstrual symptoms can last for a few days. In some cases, people may find they last up to 2 weeks after the end of a period. What can you do to find relief? Treating post-menstrual syndrome in a similar way to PMS can be effective.