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Does Acinetobacter cause nosocomial infection?

The genus Acinetobacter is a major cause of nosocomial infections; it is increasingly being associated with various epidemics and has become a widespread concern in a variety of hospitals worldwide. Multi-antibiotic resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, is now recognized to be of great clinical significance.

Is Acinetobacter baumannii a nosocomial infection?

Conclusions: Acinetobacter baumannii infections are a significant proportion of nosocomial infections. Most relate to surgical wards and ICUs. Acinetobacter baumannii is resistant against most antibiotics.

Is Acinetobacter baumannii serious?

Acinetobacter Treatment and ‘Superbug’ Antibiotic Resistance The CDC considers Acinetobacter, including A. baumannii, a serious public health threat because it’s often resistant to multiple antibiotics. In fact, 63 percent of Acinetobacter strains are multidrug-resistant, the CDC notes.

Where did Acinetobacter come from?

Acinetobacter is a group of bacteria commonly found in soil and water and sometimes found on the skin of healthy people. There are many types or “species” of Acinetobacter that can cause human disease. The species Acinetobacter baumannii accounts for about 80% of reported infections.

How do you cure Acinetobacter baumannii?

When infections are caused by antibiotic-susceptible Acinetobacter isolates, there may be several therapeutic options, including a broad-spectrum cephalosporin (ceftazidime or cefepime), a combination beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor (ie, one that includes sulbactam), or a carbapenem (eg, imipenem, meropenem, or …

What are nosocomial pathogens?

Nosocomial pathogens include bacteria, viruses and fungal parasites. According to WHO estimates, approximately 15% of all hospitalized patients suffer from these infections. During hospitalization, patient is exposed to pathogens through different sources environment, healthcare staff, and other infected patients.

What is the pathogenic profile of Acinetobacter nosocomialis?

Acinetobacter nosocomialis is a member of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii (ACB) complex. Increasingly, reports are emerging of the pathogenic profile and multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype of this species.

How are acinetobacter infections treated in healthcare settings?

How are these infections treated? Acinetobacter infections are generally treated with antibiotics.

What kind of infections can Acinetobacter baumannii cause?

Multi-antibiotic resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, is now recognized to be of great clinical significance. Numerous reports relay to the spread of A. baumannii in the hospital settings which leads to enhanced nosocomial outbreaks associated with high death rates. However, many other Acinetobacter spp. also can cause nosocomial infections.

What is the G + C content of Acinetobacter?

The genus Acinetobacter comprises species that are strictly aerobic, non-motile, catalase-positive, indole-negative, oxidase-negative, Gram-negative, and citrate positive ( Kurcik-Trajkovska, 2009) with G + C content of 39–47% ( Peleg et al., 2008 ).