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Do pre-war buildings have studs?

Prewar studs ordinarily are a full 2 inches thick and 4 wide. One can often locate studs simply by tapping with one’s knuckles or a hammer along a wall and listening for a change in pitch from a hollow sound to one that is more shallow. If the studs are on normal spacings, this should occur about every 16 inches.

What are prewar walls made of?

Pre-war apartments have plaster walls and poured concrete floors. Newer apartments tend to have gypsum (aka “sheetrock”) and thin concrete-and-steel floors. As a result, your pre-war apartment will keep out your neighbor’s violin practice way better than your friend’s new-construction apartment will.

What are pre-war apartments?

A prewar apartment is a term that pertains to apartment buildings constructed before World War II. Prewar buildings are generally considered to be those constructed between 1900 to 1939, but buildings that date back to the 1880s are often included in the prewar category.

Are pre-war buildings soundproof?

Pre-war buildings are distinguishable from the other building types because they often have hand-finished plaster walls, solid wood construction, elaborate tiling, and poured concrete floors, which is why older buildings are more soundproof compared to new construction.

Can you wall mount in an apartment?

Your place may be a rental, but it’s still your home, and you want it to be as stylish and comfortable as possible. Often that means mounting your TV on the wall, especially since many apartments are short on space. Wall mounting is convenient. And it can greatly improve your viewing experience.

Do apartment buildings have studs?

Wooden studs are typically used in houses and small apartment buildings, but they’re just one way to frame a house. Steel studs have long been employed in commercial construction for a bunch of different reasons, and lately, they’re becoming more popular in residential buildings, too.

Are pre-war buildings safe?

Beyond offering an established culture, most pre-war buildings are also a safe investment. While luxury pre-war buildings were often constructed using the finest materials, if you buy in a pre-war walk-up, you may be purchasing in a building that would never meet modern building codes.

What are NYC apartment walls made of?

You most likely have a gypsum block wall, a wall made out of plaster blocks used for non load bearing partition walls.

What is the pre-war period?

Pre-war or prewar (Latin: antebellum) is the period before the most recent or significant war in a culture’s history, and may refer to: Prior to World War I. Between World War I and World War II. Pre-war architecture, buildings from the 20th century before World War II.

Are older apartments more soundproof?

Not necessarily. It depends on the specific sound control measures in place. In fact, many older apartment buildings are much quieter than their newer counterparts because they were built when construction costs were lower.

Are brick buildings quieter?

Houses make with brick as the siding material are quieter than houses made with other siding materials. Made from clay fired at nearly 2,000°F, brick is the most fire resistant siding material available.

What was the purpose of the prewar apartment?

Prewar apartments were built during an urban population boom and range in size and style. The largest and most luxurious prewar apartments were conceived as so-called mansions in the sky to lure the wealthy into the city, while more modest prewar apartment buildings were constructed for middle class residents or artists.

How tall are ceilings in pre war apartments?

Pre-wars have hallways, foyers and high ceilings, often nine feet or more. Apartments in newer buildings tend to have lower ceilings (eight feet was the standard for post-wars) and they usually have uniform floor plans. Newer buildings may have some advantageous design features – better closets,…

Is it better to have a pre-war or new construction apartment?

As a result, your pre-war apartment will keep out your neighbor’s violin practice way better than your friend’s new-construction apartment will. There are tradeoffs here; you might need special hooks to hang art in your pre-war, but that’s a small price to pay for not having to hear your neighbors.

What to look for in a prewar apartment?

“There are generous layouts, grand proportions, high ceilings, thick walls, beautiful old herringbone wood floors, wood-burning fireplaces, and decorative plaster moldings and ornamentation,” says Tania Isacoff Friedland, a broker at Warburg Realty in New York City.