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Do I need to see a GP for conjunctivitis?

You don’t usually need to see your GP for conjunctivitis, but there are some occasions when it’s important to seek medical advice.

How do adults get conjunctivitis?

Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious. Most viruses that cause conjunctivitis spread through hand-to-eye contact by hands or objects that are contaminated with the infectious virus. Having contact with infectious tears, eye discharge, fecal matter, or respiratory discharges can contaminate hands.

How long is conjunctivitis contagious for Australia?

Conjunctivitis can be an infectious or allergic condition. If infectious, it is often highly contagious. A child with infectious conjunctivitis is contagious until discharge from the eyes has disappeared. Children with infectious conjunctivitis should be kept home from child care, kindergarten or school.

Is conjunctivitis common in adults?

Pink eye is a common eye infection in children and adults. It is caused by allergens and irritants, bacteria and viruses such as the coronavirus that causes the common cold and COVID-19.

Should I call 111 for conjunctivitis?

Get advice from 111 now if you have: sensitivity to light. changes in your vision, like wavy lines or flashing. very red eyes (1 eye or both eyes) a baby less than 28 days old with red eyes.

Should I wash my eyes if I have conjunctivitis?

Always wash them before and after you treat pink eye or touch your eyes or face. Use moist cotton or a clean, wet cloth to remove crust.

Where can I get help for conjunctivitis in Victoria?

Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Unit, Department of Health Victoria Tel. 1300 651 160. Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital. You will remain infectious as long as you have an eye discharge. Was this page helpful?

Why do I have conjunctivitis in both eyes?

In allergic conjunctivitis, both eyes are normally affected simultaneously. Viral infections of the eyes are the most common causes of conjunctivitis. Allergens that may cause conjunctivitis include pollens, grasses, dust mites, animal fur and moulds. Less frequently, food allergies may contribute to the problem.

When to see a doctor for conjunctivitis in children?

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the lining of the eye and eyelid caused by bacteria, viruses, chemicals or allergies. Conjunctivitis is a type of eye infection. It’s very common and can be very contagious. Your child needs to see a GP for the right conjunctivitis treatment.

How long does conjunctivitis last in the eye?

Things to remember. Conjunctivitis is an infectious eye condition. Symptoms last from two days to three weeks. Children with conjunctivitis should be kept home from school. You will remain infectious as long as you have an eye discharge.