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Do I need a prescription for Flubenvet?

Flubenvet is a prescription only medicine so your supplier will require a prescription from your vet or a suitably qualified person. WORM before putting chickens out to pasture. WORM more frequently as recommended by a vet or animal health advisor if a worm problem is suspected.

How often can you give chickens Flubenvet?

every 3 to 6 months
How often should I worm chickens? Layers pellets with flubenvet should be fed solely instead of their normal feed for 7 consecutive days, you should repeat treatment around every 3 to 6 months.

Can you eat eggs when using Flubenvet?

The chicken’s eggs will be completely safe to eat throughout and after the worming process, there is no withdrawal period. Chickens should only be used for meat 7 days after the treatment has ended, in order to make sure it’s safe for human consumption.

Are layers pellets medicated?

We recommend worming with layers pellets with flubenvet every 3 – 6 months for all chickens and geese. This is a short life product due to it being a medicated feed. Please only purchase when you intend to use it. This is a complete medicated feed with Flubenvet mixed into 17% protein Layers Pellets.

How quickly does Flubenvet work?

How Long Does Flubenvet Take to Work? Flubenvet will get to work after a few days of starting the course and chickens will be fully protected by the end of the seven-day course if you’re using the pellet version.

What worms does Flubenvet treat?

Flubenvet® is licensed to treat roundworms, hairworms, caecal worms and gapeworms in pheasants and partridges, killing both mature and immature stages and will also kill any eggs in the gut at the time of treatment.

Are layers pellets bad for dogs?

Pellets that contain a substance called Metaldehyde are the most dangerous and most common poisonings we see in dogs. Even eating a small number of pellets can cause serious poisoning and symptoms are likely to become obvious within an hour of the pellets being eaten.

Can Ducks have Flubenvet?

Flubenvet 2.5% poultry wormer is a medicated feed supplement commonly used to worm chickens, turkeys and geese. It is not licensed for use with ducks although many people do use it.

Will Gapeworm go away on its own?

Gapeworms have a defined life cycle and breaking that cycle is the most important thing after curing your bird. While it is almost impossible to prevent reinfestation, with careful management and treatment it can be kept to a minimum.

How often to use layers pellets with Flubenvet?

We recommend worming with layers pellets with flubenvet every 3 – 6 months for all chickens and geese. This is a short life product due to it being a medicated feed. Please only purchase when you intend to use it. This is a complete medicated feed with Flubenvet mixed into 17% protein Layers Pellets.

How old do chickens have to be to eat Flubenvet pellets?

You can feed chickens Flubenvet Layer Pellets once a chicken is over 18 weeks old and already on a diet of layer pellets. It’s important not to feed chickens under this age on layer feed as the high levels of calcium can damage their internal organs.

Can a Flubenvet pellet be used for tapeworm?

Make sure the pellets are well mixed afterwards. Flubenvet can also be used to treat tapeworm if a vet prescribes it for your birds – usually they will advise 3 doses, 1 week apart ‘off label’ – which means that the vet needs to offer certain advice about the product not being specifically licensed for that purpose.

Is there a withdrawal period for Flubenvet layers?

Zero withdrawal period for eggs. You will need to buy the same amount that your poultry would consume in a week on normal layers pellets, as Marriages Layers Pellets with Flubenvet acts as a replacement. As a quick example, 1kg per bird or one 10kg bag for 10 birds over a week.