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What do I put for expected graduation on my resume? Your expected graduation date should be placed next to your degree or diploma, within the education section of your resume. When you’re still studying, this section should sit above your job experience. These sections will be reordered, with experience on top of education, once you…

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Should experience on a resume be in chronological order? Having your experience outlined in chronological order makes it easy to get a quick read on your career history. A functional resume that focuses on skills and experience without a clear chronology makes it hard to see what the applicant has actually accomplished and what they’re…

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What activities should I put on my resume? Some hobbies to list on a resume include:Artistic activities such as painting or graphic design.Community service.Cooking or baking.Examples of interests.Exercising and healthcare.Outdoor activities.Playing an instrument.Team or individual sports. How do you write an activity on a resume? Activity ResumeBegin Early. It’s not too late to start (if…

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How do you write an email when you have been referred? How do you write a referral email?Create a strong subject line.Format the email as a business letter.Emphasize your mutual acquaintance.Get straight to the point.Be concise.Be sure to attach your Resume.Thank the reader. Is it better to email a resume or drop it off in…

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Can I omit employment history? It’s totally OK to omit jobs from your work history. In fact, your CV should only have the job/descriptions that are actually relevant. You can add other jobs in other experience so that the employer does not see any gaps. What do you put on a resume for work history?…

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Should education be at top or bottom of resume? This section is at the top of your resume if you’re a student or recent graduate. If you have more than a year of work experience since graduating, move your education at he end of your resume. List your most recent degree(s) first. If you’re in…

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Why are my pages templates in a different language? It’s a filler text called “Lorem Ipsum,” or “Lipsum.” It just holds the place of where your text would be. You delete it, and fill the space as needed. The pseudo-latin text serves as placeholders to illustrate the look of the template, and is automatically replaced…

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What do sororities put on a resume? What to Include on a Sorority ResumeName.Address.Home Number.Cell Number.Email. How do you put a professional fraternity on your resume? How to Add a Fraternity or Sorority to Your ResumeInclude it in your professional experience. We recommend adding your Greek Life experience to your Professional Experience section in three…

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How do you put unrelated work experience on a resume? If you spent the first 10 years of your marketing career performing lower-level tasks, you could say: Additional experience includes marketing positions with ABC, DEF, and XYZ (1990-2000).” If your previous work was in an unrelated field, you can simply list the companies: Additional experience…

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How do you write masters degree on resume? Writing the Education Section of a Resume (5 Key Tips)Always include the following information: the degree you received, your major, the name of your school, its location, and your graduation year.Start with your highest educational attainment.List all other degrees in reverse-chronological order. How do you list unfinished…

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