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Can you be scammed on GunBroker?

The vast majority of new sellers are legitimate, but occasionally a new seller will attempt to fraudulently sell an item on our site. If you suspect fraud, you should submit a Support Issue in the Help Center. We investigate all complaints about potential fraud, and we shut down fraudulent auctions.

Is GunBroker a legitimate website?

Customer Service The Better Business Bureau gives GunBroker a B rating and the customer ratings on their website are 1.5 stars out of 5. Not great. Although keep in mind that people usually don’t go to BBB to leave positive reviews about a company.

Do sellers on GunBroker bid on their own items?

A seller may not bid on his or her own auction. Reserve Price auctions are often unpopular with bidders. We suggest you set your Starting Bid to the least amount you will sell the item for, and let the bidding begin at that price.

Is GunBroker pay secure?

Buyers send secure payments for firearms and all other items on without the hassle of having to get checks or money orders. Sellers accept payments without the high fees of credit card companies or the delays of mailed paper payments.

How safe is GunBroker pay?

Secure Platform. GunBroker Pay leverages BitRail’s encrypted digital payment platform. All GunBroker Pay transactions are validated through identity verification methods for your piece of mind.

Can a seller cancel a bid on GunBroker?

You cannot retract a bid once you place it unless there are exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances include: The seller materially changing the description of the item after you placed a bid.

Can I cancel an auction on GunBroker?

A bid or purchase on is considered a binding agreement/contract; therefore, it cannot be retracted or canceled unless there are exceptional circumstances. You should not place a bid if you are not able to complete the transaction.

What happens if you win a bid on GunBroker?

Notification of winning bid: You can check the You Won! section of your My Buying page to see if you won an auction. When you win an auction, we send you an email at the end of the auction which contains the seller’s user name and email address along with your winning bid amount.

Can you cancel a won bid on GunBroker?

Why does GunBroker pay take so long?

The transaction speed depends on the day, time of the day, and the banks involved in your transaction. Some transactions are completed the same day, and others may take 1-4 banking days, not counting weekends and holidays.

Is GunBroker pay a credit card?

GunBroker Pay is the payment method you use, like your credit card.

Can a shill bid on a GunBroker auction?

#1 – the seller owes fees to gunbroker for each successful auction close. If there is no reserve, the shill bidding is a losing game. How long has the seller been on gunbroker and what is his feedback history? #2 – check to see if it’s the same winning bidder each auction and how long that account has been active.

Can a family member bid on the same item on Gunbroker?

Family members share passwords or bid on each other’s items. Please contact Customer Support with the item number of the auction and the user name of the suspected bidder. We will compare the item seller and the bidder to see if the accounts are created by the same user, or if there is some link between the two accounts.

Who are the owners of Gunbroker seems to have conspired with the Seller and the FFL here in the state of California to take my money from me. International Firearm Corporation / Bobby’s Guns and Ammo Tony Mussatto,CEO;Ted Hurst,Marketing;International Firearm Corporation,IFC. Bobby Townson,Owner Bobby’s Guns & Ammo.

Is there a feedback system on ‘s feedback system is a extrotion tool! Internet GunBroker GunBroker ENDED my valid legal listing with an active High Bid. I lost the SALE Internet GUNBROKER.COM asked me to reveriffy my account information, I answered their questions correctly BUT, they had the incorrect answers, I DIDN’T HAVE THE INCORRECT INFORMATION!