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Can you be in the military with clubfoot?

Any deformity or condition that interferes with walking, marching, running or jumping, OR that interferes with wearing military footwear. These can include toe deformities (like hammertoes), uncorrected clubfoot, and neuromas. Chronic pain while bearing weight on the feet will disqualify you from military service.

What is a military DQ?

Some applicants might receive a “temporary disqualification,” but this means that they need further documentation or testing before a Military Entrance Processing Station physician can either clear or permanently disqualify them.

Does MEPS look at your feet?

It is true that a doctor will examine your feet at MEPS before enlisting in the Navy. With that said, unless you have symptomatic flat feet, it is completely waiver-able. The Navy’s policy is that they must go see a foot specialist.

Is anxiety a military disqualifier?

For anxiety disorders (for example, panic disorder), a person cannot enter the armed services if they needed any inpatient care, or outpatient care for more than 12 months cumulatively. They must not have needed any treatment for their anxiety disorder in the past 36 months.

Does the military look at your medical records?

Because the military does not routinely pull medical records, recruits who pass their physical and reveal no prior history may get in. However, if the soldier later gets sick or injured, the Army can check medical records if an undisclosed pre-existing condition is suspected.

What branch of the military accepts felons?

It’s possible to join the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard with a felony conviction.

Can you get rejected from the military?

Basic requirements are similar across all branches, with minor variations, and enlistees can be rejected for not meeting age, legal residency and other guidelines.

Can you join the army if you have flat feet?

So can you join the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines if you have flat feet? The short answer is yes, you can. Flat feet is no longer a disqualifying condition for military enlistment, provided that the enlistee does not show symptomatic flat feet.

Why was flat feet considered a disqualifying condition in the military?

During World War 1 and 2, flat feet was seen as a disqualifying condition for 2 reasons: This myth was perpetuated by the fact that many doctors believed it would cause disadvantages for the individual while hiking on long marches. While this is true to a certain extent, it’s only really applicable to those with symptoms.

Can a foot injury disqualify you from the military?

Most debilitating foot or ankle injuries will be disqualifying. Candidates and recruits must not have any current injuries, even if the injury is minor and can heal in a short period of time.

Can you join the military if you have dry skin?

Despite the fact that the dry-skin rash and the oily-skin condition aren’t contagious, you can’t have either and join the military. Eczema — though it can be maintained with prescription — can also be debilitating.