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Can PDF be embedded in Excel?

Amazingly, Excel supports embedding PDF files in a worksheet, although it is not obvious to the worksheet recipient that he can open the PDF file. Select a cell where you want the corner of the PDF to appear.

How do I save an embedded PDF in Excel?

How do I download an embedded Excel file?

  1. Make a copy of the Excel file to a new folder.
  2. Edit the file name, adding . zip on the end.
  3. Click OK when Windows warns you about changing file endings.
  4. Right-click and expand the file.
  5. Open the xl folder, then the embeddings folder.

How do I insert a PDF file into an Excel cell?

Here are the steps to embed a PDF File in Excel:

  1. Go to Insert tab and click on the Object icon in the Text group.
  2. In the Object dialog box, select the ‘Create New’ tab and the select ‘Adobe Acrobat Document’ from the list.
  3. Check the option – ‘Display as icon’.
  4. Click OK.

How do you embed a PDF?


  1. Find the PDF file in Google Drive.
  2. Preview the PDF file in Google Drive.
  3. Pop-out the Google Drive preview.
  4. Use the More actions menu and choose Embed item.
  5. Copy code provided.
  6. Edit Google Sites page where you want to embed.
  7. Open the HTML Editor.
  8. Paste the HTML embed code provided by the Google Drive preview.

How do I open an embedded PDF?

How to Open Attachments Embedded in a PDF File

  1. Open the PDF file with the software program of your choice, such as Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.
  2. Click the “Attachments” button at the bottom left side of the window.
  3. Right-click the name of the file attachment you want to open.

How do I save an embedded object in Excel?

Replies (5) 

  1. Make a copy of the Excel file to a new folder.
  2. Edit the file name, adding . zip on the end.
  3. Click OK when Windows warns you about changing file endings.
  4. Right-click and expand the file.
  5. Open the xl folder, then the embeddings folder.

Can a PDF file be embedded in an Excel file?

Your PDF file will now be embedded in the Excel file as an image. If your interest is to insert PDF content on the Excel file, a good option could be first to convert the PDF into Excel. Once converted, open the newly created Excel file and copy the target contents.

How to convert MS Excel file to PDF in Java?

2 You could use iText to create a pdf file in java and use Apache POIto access the data in the MS-EXCEL file. If you combine both, you could convert your excel file. A raw example is given here

How do I open a PDF file in Excel?

In the Object window that appears, switch to the “Create from File” tab and then click “Browse.” Browse to the location of your file, select the file, and then click “Open.” Back at the “Object” window, you’ll see the file path of your PDF. Now, you need to tell Excel how you want the file to appear in the spreadsheet.

How can I insert a PDF into a cell?

Insert the file icon within the cell. If it doesn’t fit, either resize the icon or the cell so that the icon is within the cell. Right-click on the icon and select Format Object. (If you have multiple PDF files embedded, you can select all and then right-click and select the Format Object option.)