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Can I view 1921 census?

We hold all of the census records from 1921 onwards, and they’re closed for 100 years. Nobody can see any information about people for 100 years. The various laws that govern ONS, including the 1920 Census Act, have strong confidentiality safeguards in them.

What is the latest Canadian census available to public?

The national government of Canada has taken censuses every ten years since 1871 and every five years since 1971….Canadian national censuses, taken for these dates, are available to the public:

  • 1871 (April 2)
  • 1881 (April 4)
  • 1891 (April 6)
  • 1901 (March 31)
  • 1911 (June 1)
  • 1921 (June 1)

Is there a 1931 census?

The 1931 census returns, including schedules, enumeration books and plans, were completely destroyed in a fire in Hayes, Middlesex, where the census was being stored. So, in answer to the title question, there are no censuses for 1931 or 1941, but all is not lost.

Where are the 1921 census records in Canada?

In accordance with the Statistics Act, the 1921 census returns were in the custody of Statistics Canada and the records were closed until 92 years after the taking of the census. In 2013 the records were opened for public use and transferred to Library and Archives Canada (LAC).

Where was the fourth census of Canada held?

1901 Census of Canada. The fourth census of Canada covers seven provinces – British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec; two territories – the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; and one district – the District of Keewatin.

What was the population of Nova Scotia in 1921?

Population by province Province 1921 Census 1911 Census % Change Prince Edward Island 88,615 93,728 -5.5 Nova Scotia 523,837 492,338 6.4 New Brunswick 387,876 351,889 10.2 Quebec 2,361,199 2,005,776 17.7

What did we ask in the 1911 census?

In the 1911 census we asked about the length of the present marriage and the total number of children born and the number still living, but in 1921 we only asked about how many children or stepchildren the family had, and how many were still alive. What does the 1921 census reveal about the population?