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Can I use Ruby on IntelliJ?

The Ruby plugin extends IntelliJ IDEA with the full-scale functionality for Ruby development. The plugin supports the same functionality as RubyMine, the standalone IDE for Ruby developers.

How do I add plugins to IntelliJ?

Custom plugin repositories

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Plugins.
  2. On the Plugins page, click.
  3. In the Custom Plugin Repositories dialog, click.
  4. Click OK in the Custom Plugin Repositories dialog to save the list of plugin repositories.
  5. Click OK in the Settings/Preferences dialog to apply the changes.

How do I run a Ruby project?

Create an empty application

  1. Run RubyMine and click New Project on the Welcome Screen.
  2. In the New Project dialog, make sure that Empty Project is selected on the left pane. Then, specify the following settings: Location: Specify a project’s location and name (ruby-helloworld in our case).

Does WebStorm support Ruby?

WebStorm 5 with Ruby plugin support Follow Up until the latest WebStorm update, we were working with WebStorm 4 and Ruby plugin, which offered great support for Cucumber tests implementation file. In WebStorm 5, the plugin no longer works.

How configure Ruby SDK IntelliJ?

Invoke the Project Structure dialog Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S and select Modules on the left. Choose the required Ruby interpreter. You can also choose the gemset for the RVM and rbenv version managers. For the selected Ruby interpreter/gemset, you can see the installed gems on the right.

How do I run an existing Ruby on Rails project?

How to run an existing Ruby-on-Rails project locally after cloning a repository. The first thing to do is to find the Ruby version used in the Rails project. Then, install the ruby version, bundler gem, dependencies (packages). Finally, set up the database and run the Rails project.

How do I get to the marketplace in IntelliJ?

Choose your IDE

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S , select Plugins.
  2. In the Plugins dialog, switch to the Marketplace tab.
  3. In the dialog that opens, search for EduTools.
  4. Click Install.
  5. Click OK in the Settings dialog to apply the changes, and restart IntelliJ IDEA if prompted.

Where do I run Ruby code?

How to Install and Run Ruby on Windows

  1. Go to Ruby Installer in your web browser.
  2. Click the big red Download button. A list of RubyInstallers appears.
  3. Click Ruby 2.2.
  4. Run the installer program by choosing Run Program (if Windows presents this option) or double-clicking the file when it’s done downloading.

Does IntelliJ support Ruby on Rails?

IntelliJ IDEA is an integrated development environment (IDE) that helps you be more productive in every aspect of Ruby/Rails projects development – from writing and debugging code to testing and deploying a completed application. IntelliJ IDEA is available for different platforms including macOS, Windows, and Linux.

Where is my Ruby SDK?

Invoke the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S and go to the Ruby SDK and Gems page. Choose the required Ruby interpreter. You can also choose the gemset for the RVM and rbenv version managers. For the selected Ruby interpreter/gemset, you can see the installed gems on the right.