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Are there any insane asylums in Ohio?

The Athens Lunatic Asylum, now a mixed-use development known as The Ridges, was a Kirkbride Plan mental hospital operated in Athens, Ohio, from 1874 until 1993….Athens Lunatic Asylum.

Athens State Hospital
Location Athens, Ohio
Built 1868
Architect Levi T. Scofield
Architectural style Late 19th And 20th Century Revivals, Late Victorian

What happened at Athens Lunatic Asylum?

The Ridges, formerly called the Athens Lunatic Asylum, was a mental hospital operated in Athens, Ohio from 1874 until 1993. During its operation, the hospital provided services to a variety of patients including Civil War veterans, children, and violent criminals suffering from various mental disabilities.

When did Longview hospital close?

In 1981, the Longview State Hospital was closed. Operations were consolidated into the most modern portion of the complex, which, in 1984, was renamed the Pauline Warfield Lewis Center….Longview Hospital Cemetery.

Location 7076 Glenmeadow Lane Roselawn, Hamilton County, Ohio, 45237 USA Show Map
Memorials 889 added (1% photographed)

When was the Lunatic Asylum of Ohio built?

The hospital was constructed under the Kirkbride Plan. The original hospital building, known as the Lunatic Asylum of Ohio, was completed in 1838. In 1868, a fire destroyed the asylum, and it was rebuilt in the Kirkbride style in 1877. The hospital was closed in the late 1980s, and demolished between 1991 and 1996 by S.G. Loewendick & Sons.

What was the original name of Columbus Hospital?

Hospital in Ohio, United States. Columbus State Hospital, also known as Ohio State Hospital for Insane, was a public psychiatric hospital in Columbus, Ohio, established in 1877. The original hospital was constructed under the Kirkbride Plan. The original hospital building, known as the Lunatic Asylum of Ohio, was completed in 1838.

Is the Columbus State Hospital still in use?

The hospital remained in service until the late 1980s, despite falling into severe disrepair. It was demolished in 1997 and new Ohio Department of Transportation and Ohio Department of Public Safety facilities were built near its former location. Four patient cemeteries of the Columbus State Hospital still exist.

How big was the Athens asylum for the insane?

The original design included an administration building with two wings, one that would house the males and the other for females. The building itself was 853 feet long, 60 feet wide, and built with red bricks fired from clay dug on-site. Built onto the back were a laundry room and boiler house.