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How do you type all emoticons?

To find and insert emoji in any text area, use these steps:

  1. Open any app (such as Notepad, Word, or Microsoft Edge).
  2. In the text area, open the emoji panel using the Windows key + ; (semicolon) or Windows key +.
  3. Click on the Smiley face (emoji) tab.
  4. Start typing to search an emoji.
  5. Select the emoji to insert.

What does 🀭 mean in texting?

🀭 Face with Hand Over Mouth Apple and Facebook feature simple, open eyes, suggesting someone gasping Oh my! in serious surprise, shock, concern, or apology. Other platforms depict a face with smiling eyes and/or blushing cheeks, suggesting coy laughter or embarrassment, as if cheekily saying Oops!

How do you make a discord emoji?

Go to the “Server Settings” and use the “Emoji” tab to upload custom emoji that anyone on the server can use! Keep in mind: Emoji names must be at least 2 characters long and can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores. Emojis must be under 256kb in size.

What is the full list of emoticons?

:- ( frown

  • πŸ˜‰ wink
  • : (““ crying
  • >:) mischievous grin
  • :-/smirk or confused
  • πŸ˜› smiling and sticking out your tongue
  • πŸ˜€ laughing hard
  • >:-\\mad
  • What are all the Smiley emotes?

    Smileys & Emotion Emoji πŸ˜€ Grinning Face πŸ˜ƒ Grinning Face with Big Eyes πŸ˜„ Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes 😁 Beaming Face with Smiling Eyes πŸ˜† Grinning Squinting Face πŸ˜… Grinning Face with Sweat οΏ½οΏ½ Rolling on The Floor Laughing πŸ˜‚ Face with Tears of Joy πŸ™‚ Slightly Smiling Face πŸ™ƒ Upside-Down Face πŸ˜‰ Winking Face 😊 Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes

    What are your most used emojis/emoticons?

    Top 5 Most Used Emoji and Emoticons Laughing with Tears of Joy. One of the most used emoji of all times is the one that laughs while tears of joy fill its eyes. Smiling with Heart-Shaped Eyes. Are you in love? Smirking Face. Another one of the most used emoji that we should mention is the smirking face. Thumbs Up. This is a pretty self-explanatory emoji. Loudly Crying.

    What is list of emoticons and their meanings?

    The English words “emotion” and “icon” form the term emoticon. Short strings of symbols, letters or numbers are intended to represent facial expressions and postures. Emoticons can liven up the text and convey moods or emotional states. πŸ˜€ means laughing or a big grin. If surprised, we use :-O and <3 stands for the heart and feelings.