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How do I access AA zoom meetings?

Attending an AA Zoom meeting

  1. Find a Zoom meeting close to you and on the day/time you need on the AA website ‘Find Meetings’ page.
  2. Click on the green ‘Join Zoom Meeting’ button shown .
  3. You may be instructed to download the zoom application.

Is there zoom meetings for AA?

Online Meetings A.A. Home Group meetings are hosted using Zoom. Information about how to join a Zoom meeting can be found here. NOTICE: We have enabled the Zoom “waiting room” feature for the safety of our group members. Please be patient.

How do I attend a meeting online?

10 Tips for attending a virtual conference

  1. Learn how to use the tool.
  2. Blocking off your calendar.
  3. Schedule your time based on live and on-demand.
  4. Keep your family in the loop.
  5. Build in snack and meal breaks.
  6. Go old school.
  7. Attend with others.
  8. Stand and stretch.

Can aa be used in Scrabble?

Yes, aa is in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you attend a meeting?

How to attend a meeting

  1. Make notes.
  2. Agree on roles beforehand.
  3. Be on time.
  4. Remove distractions.
  5. Be pleasant and friendly, but to the point.
  6. Keep quiet and pay attention.
  7. Interrogate/question your own motivations and reactions.
  8. Act as co-facilitator.

How do I get the most attending virtual event?

How to Get the Most Out of a Virtual Event

  1. Minimise Distractions.
  2. Get Your Attitude Right.
  3. Prepare to engage With the Platform and Other People.
  4. Schedule Reviews and Replay of Sessions You Missed.
  5. Familiarise Yourself with the Conference Tech.
  6. Create Plan B for Emergencies.
  7. Test Your Tools.
  8. Be Early.

Can I just turn up to an AA meeting?

If you prefer, you can simply turn up at one of our meetings – click on this link to find one near you. We strongly suggest that when you arrive you let someone know that this is your first meeting, that way they will be able to provide you with information that most people new to AA find useful.

Do you have to talk in AA?

You do not have to talk AA meetings can take one of several forms (Step discussion, Topic discussion, Speaker, etc.).