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Can you Bates number in Word?

There is nothing built into Word to do this. If you convert to pdf, Adobe Acrobat can do it. A real problem is that pagination of Word documents is dependent on the version of Word, the printer driver, and the operating system.

How do you set up a numbering machine?

Set your Numbering Machine. Set the locking lever to the right to lock the handle in down position. Holding the machine bottom up with the ink pad facing you, rotate the numbering wheels with stylus in the direction from 0 to 9 until the desired number is centered in the impression area.

How do you use Bates numbering?

Bates numbering tutorial

  1. Define the case number using a prefix text.
  2. Add a six-digit Bates number to uniquely identify each page in the document set.
  3. Add the company name Kofax using a Bates number suffix.
  4. Add page numbering for each document in the set using a macro.
  5. Add the date of stamping using a macro.

How do I find my Bates number?

To search for a Bates or control number that may appear after the first page of the document (i.e., it may not be the begin Bates or control number of the document), check the “Page Search” option. This will search for the number across all of the pages of your documents.

How do I make Bates labels in Word?

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Use the Envelopes and Labels option from the Tools menu to create a sheet of blank labels.
  2. In the top-left label, type the word Exhibit, followed by a space.
  3. Press Ctrl+F9.
  4. Type SEQ and a space.
  5. Type a name for this sequence of numbers, such as “exhibit” (without the quote marks).
  6. Press F9.

Is Bates numbering required?

The short answer is no – legal professionals still use bates numbering – but documents and discoverable information have become overwhelmingly electronic. One thing to keep in mind is that native document productions usually can not include a physical bates stamp without first being imaged.

What is a numbering machine?

: a device for the rapid stamping or printing of usually consecutive numbers on successive pages, sheets, or discrete items.

What is meant by numbering system?

A numbering system is a systematic method for representing numbers using a particular set of symbols. The most commonly used numbering system is the decimal system, based on the number 10, which is called the basis or radix of the system. In the decimal system these symbols are the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

What is the point of Bates numbering?

Bates Numbering, also known as Bates Stamping, is an indexing method used for legal, business and medical documents (PDFs in most cases). Bates Numbers are perceived as digital reference points used to uniquely identify and label each page in a set of documents.

What is the Bates numbering system?

Bates numbers offer a way to specifically identify each individual page of a production. Bates numbering — also known as Bates stamping or Bates labeling — is the process of assigning a unique, sequential identification number to each page, file, or image in a voluminous production.

What is Bates page numbering?

Bates numbering is a method of indexing legal documents for easy identification and retrieval. Each page of each document is assigned a unique Bates number that also indicates its relationship to other Bates-numbered documents. Bates numbers appear as headers or footers on the pages of each PDF in the batch.

What is the Bates Numbering system?