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How do you become a knight in Uncharted 3?

Knight Puzzle In order to turn the state, run up to them and press the triangle button. Then turn with the analog stick. The first knight has a shield, go up to him and turn him so that he is pointing towards the knight with the axe.

What are the spiders in Uncharted 3?

Role in multiplayer In the multiplayer mode of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, there is a medal kickback named Creepy Crawler. It allows the player to transform into a swarm of these spiders, and it costs 12 medals to be activated. Any opponents the player meets while they are transformed will get killed.

Are there any puzzles in Uncharted 3 Chapter 11?

On this page of our guide we have provided solutions to all the difficult puzzles in chapter 11 of Uncharted 3 Drake’s Deception titled As Above, So Below. This chapter is one of the most demanding when it comes to puzzles.

Do you think Uncharted 3 is a good game?

Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. Uncharted 3 marks another great entry to the series, but also another round of sore headaches. The famed puzzles are back, while not as complicated as before, though just as painstakingly tedious as all the rest!

Where do you find the mural puzzle in Uncharted 3?

Mural Puzzle – Go to the middle of the room and pick up the staff. Then turn slightly left from the stairs and look up at the ceiling. Shine light onto the glowing bracelet to make it fall. Nothing hard about this puzzle!

Where are the symbols in Uncharted Chapter 6?

During the playthrough of the chapter, you will run into a wall with symbols on it. In its four corners there are tiles with the images of a bull, a horse, an eagle and a lion. They can be installed on the wall using a machine placed in the center of the room [1].