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What is flounder season in NJ?

NJ Summer Flounder season is from May 22 thru Sept 19, 2021. 3 fish per-person limit. Must be at least 18 inches in length.

Can you keep flounder in NJ?

Anglers may fillet one legal-sized summer flounder from their daily possession limit catch for use as bait. This carcass, commonly known as the rack, shall be kept intact so it can be measured for compliance with the minimum size limit.

Where can I fish flounder in NJ?

5 New Jersey Doormat Flounder Hotspots

  • AMBROSE CHANNEL (GPS 40’31.25 / 73’59.41)
  • (GPS 39’45.30 / 74’01.50)
  • OLD GROUNDS (GPS 38’34.40/ 74’47.72)
  • (GPS 40’01.74 / 73’56.01)

What is the difference between winter flounder and summer flounder?

Easy: Winter Flounder are darker than Summer Flounder. They can look almost black – hence their nickname, “Blackback”. Summer Flounder are light brown with cream or whitish spots. Flounders are able to change color to match their surroundings, though, so their faces are the surest way to tell them apart.

What is the season for flounder?

Summer flounder spawn in the fall and early winter when they migrate offshore. They spawn several times throughout the spawning season. Spawning peaks in October and November when water temperatures change and autumn plankton is most productive.

How big does a flounder have to be to keep in NJ?

If You Can’t Keep It, Save It! Summer Flounder (Fluke) Information

NJ Coastal Waters 18-inch minimum 3
Delaware Bay and Tributaries 17-inch minimum 3
Island Beach State Park (shore fishing only) 16-inch minimum 2

Where do flounder go during the day?

When Flounder are Most Active You can find them searching for food near grasses, channels, flats, and at the mouths of feeder creeks. The middle of the day is when flounder tend to really hunker down to avoid getting spotted by ospreys hunting overhead.

What is the best bait for winter flounder?

Winter Flounder Bait Small pieces of clam, mussel, or bloodworm are the preferred baits for flounder. Anytime I shuck clams, I keep the siphons and thread them on the hook as bait. Sandworms, bloodworms, and tapeworms can all be cut into 2- to 3-inch lengths.

Can flounder bite you?

A flounder bite is different from any other backwater fish like redfish or speckled trout, and sometimes it requires a little more patience when targeting this fish. Most times, a flounder bite is not neccesarily a hard bite, in fact, it might not even feel like a bite at all. Flounder are the ultimate ambushers.

Is flounder good to eat?

Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits. Found at the bottom of oceans and seas, Pacific Flounder is an excellent fish to have for dinner as it provides an amazing taste and it is healthy.