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What was the daily routine in the trenches ww1?

Day-to-Day Work Following morning stand-to, inspection, and breakfast, soldiers undertook any number of chores, ranging from cleaning latrines to filling sandbags or repairing duckboards. During daylight hours, they conducted all work below ground and away from the snipers’ searching rifles.

What did soldiers do when they were bored in ww1?

In their spare time, soldiers wrote letters and diaries, drew sketches, read books and magazines, pursued hobbies, played cards or gambled. There were also opportunities for more-organised social activities. Other soldiers entertained their mates with impromptu musical, pantomime and comedy performances.

What was boredom in ww1?

“Months of boredom, punctuated by moments of sheer terror…” In between these battles, the troops endured a daily routine of tedium and random death. Men spent daylight below ground level, cleaning themselves and their weapons, and maintaining the trench. The threat of death was constant.

How did soldiers entertain themselves in the trenches?

Plays and other performances. But when troops needed to entertain themselves in an organized way, they had more choices than just sports and fighting one another. Sometimes, this resulted in soldiers holding their own plays and concerts, but they could also enjoy performances by professionals when they came around.

How can we keep the trenches clean?

How To Keep Clean And Healthy In The Trenches

  1. Drink clean water. Equipment.
  2. Drink clean water. Drinking water was transported to front line trenches in petrol cans.
  3. Take medicine. Equipment.
  4. Take medicine.
  5. Chatting.
  6. Chatting.
  7. Get a pet.
  8. Get a pet.

What was hygiene like in the trenches?

There was no running water, so often they would just “wipe” their feet. The stench in the trenches was often dried sweat, body odor, and blood. Feet had to be washed or wiped at least once a day, nails, mouth, and hair required attention as well. Rats ran around the entire place, nibbling at the men’s wounded areas.

How was life in the trenches boring?

Chores were a dreary fact of life in the trenches. Each man would be given his specific tasks, from repairing portions of the trench, to digging latrines, to filling sandbags. It was hard, filthy, tiring work, especially if it involved pumping out any water which had happened to flood the trench.

What were common everyday problems soldiers in the trenches had to endure?

Trench life involved long periods of boredom mixed with brief periods of terror. The threat of death kept soldiers constantly on edge, while poor living conditions and a lack of sleep wore away at their health and stamina.

What were two health issues that faced soldiers during WWI while in the trenches?

But the majority of loss of life can be attributed to famine and disease – horrific conditions meant fevers, parasites and infections were rife on the frontline and ripped through the troops in the trenches. Among the diseases and viruses that were most prevalent were influenza, typhoid, trench foot and trench fever.

Did ww1 soldiers shower?

About once every week to ten days, Soldiers would go to the rear for their shower. After showering they received new cloths. They had their choice for size: small, medium, or large.

Why was there so much boredom in the trenches?

daily Boredom Because of the distance from the front line trench to the enemy trench, movement was limited to the essentials. So when the soldiers were not working they were settled down very quickly and soon boredom weighted heavy among them.

What was the daily routine in the trenches?

Daily routines in the trenches For all the soldiers in the trenches, life was extremely difficult and they had a lot of chores that they had to do. They were not just firing and attacking the enemy. They were rotated between three lines, front line, support line and reserve line as well as a short period of rest then it began again.

What was the condition of the trenches in World War 1?

In 1918, doctors also identified lice as the cause of trench fever, which plagued the troops with headaches, fevers, and muscle pain. The unsanitary conditions of trench life, especially the cold, persistent dampness, resulted in trench foot, a frost-bite-like infection that in extreme cases, led to gangrene and amputation.

Why was there so much boredom in World War 2?

Because of the distance from the front line trench to the enemy trench, movement was limited to the essentials. So when the soldiers were not working they were settled down very quickly and soon boredom weighted heavy among them.