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How many people audition for Bristol Old Vic?

28 students
Out of the thousands who apply for the school’s Acting BA, only 28 students are offered places, picked out through two rounds of intensive auditions.

How many students go to Bovts?

We have approximately 210 students at the School in any year.

Can you apply to a conservatoire and a university?

You can apply to both universities and conservatoires if you wish. (You’ll just need to create separate logins and profiles for each UCAS and UCAS Conservatoires.)

Who are famous alumni of Bristol Old Vic Theatre School?

Perhaps the best known was the legendary Rudi Shelly, who joined the teaching staff only two weeks after the School opened in 1946 and was still working into his nineties. Alumni from around the world gathered in Bristol for his funeral at which the eulogy was delivered by alumnus Stephanie Cole.

When did the Bristol Old Vic School open?

The School opened in October 1946, eight months after the founding of its parent Bristol Old Vic Theatre Company, in a room above a fruit merchant’s warehouse in the Rackhay near the stage door of the Theatre Royal, with support from Sir Laurence Olivier.

How many people go to Bristol Old Vic?

Until the 1990s the Theatre School was part of the Bristol Old Vic Company, but it is now a financially independent organisation. The theatre school accepts just 28 people out of approximately 2,500 applications per year for the three-year BA acting course, making it one of the most selective drama schools in the world.

Is the Old Vic Theatre School a university?

The Old Vic Theatre School is an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama. Its higher education awards are validated by the University of the West of England, and its students graduate alongside members of UWE Bristol’s Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries and Education. It is a member of the Federation of Drama Schools.