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Is Quora Digest safe for kids?

Quora is rated for teens ages 13 and older, and it can be safe for kids with adult supervision. Even if Quora does have moderators, who remove inappropriate content, answers and users, children can come across adult and mature content or negative views on various topics such as religion, politics.

What is the purpose of Quora digest?

Quora Digest is a free service for all Quora users. You get notified of related questions that you might miss or overlook otherwise. You receive a top answer with the most views and upvotes in your inbox making it easier to quickly find the best answer to the question.

Does Quora Digest cost money?

To use Quora, you need to create an account. Then, you can learn the basic functions of the website. Don’t worry, they make account creation and navigation of the website pretty easy for you. Plus, it’s free!

Is Quora Digest safe?

Quora is as safe as any other social websites on the internet. Quora website itself is very safe from threats and hackers. The content of the website is constantly checked by moderators for sensitive and abusive content to remove. Only so much can be done with thousands of questions everyday and a few mods.

Does Quora Really Pay?

Quora’s first new product is Quora+ — subscribers will pay a $5 monthly fee or a $50 yearly fee to access content that any creator chooses to put behind a paywall. These are the same rates that Medium, which has no ads, charges for its membership program. Rather than paying select creators, subscribers will pay Quora.

What is the main purpose of Quora?

Quora is an interesting site that feels part search engine and part social network, but its purpose is to both give you answers and allow you to answer questions for others in subjects you’re knowledgeable about.

How do I get rid of Quora digest?

1. Unsubscribe from Quora in Your Email Service Provide

  1. Log in to your Gmail account and open any Quora email.
  2. Click the Unsubscribe button next to the sender’s address.
  3. Confirm your decision to unsubscribe.

Is Quora a waste of time?

Quora Is A Waste Of Time And Effort In the beginning, it was fun and addicting to answer the questions. They kept notifying me that my answers were sent to their Quora digest over 1,000, 2,000, and sometimes 100,000 people. But over time, it started getting really annoying and old. Quora arbitrarily deletes answers.

Is Quora trusted?

Wikipedia strives to make its site trustworthy… that what you read is, indeed, valuable, valid and truthful information. Quora, on the other hand, makes absolutely no effort to ensure its answers are valid, trustworthy or, indeed, even truthful. You could ask Google for the answer to a question.

How does Quora Digest work and how does it work?

Quora Digest is like a newspaper. The best answers get sent out to people, and it is sent out to everyone’s email (with registered Quora accounts) weekly. If you get an answer in the Digest, you will get a notification, stating which answer and how many people it’s been sent to. You could receive multiple notifications if it sent out again.

What is the best approach to solve guesstimates?

In most cases, multiple approaches could be applicable which is good to traingulate the answer and have more confidence in the guesstimate. This approach is essentially used when the number to guesstimate is a ratio of some sorts. The task is to then find the numerator and denominator and we are done!

When to ask a guesstimate in an interview?

Guesstimate interview questions assess you according to the approach that you take in solving a certain question. This approach tells your prospective employer whether you are fit for the job you are applying for. Guesstimates are generally asked in the first round of consulting company interviews.

Which is more accurate estimating parameters or making guesses?

Segment till you can find differentiated clusters : Estimating parameters on a segment level is far more accurate than making guesses on the overall population.