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What does fluid in the lungs mean for a cancer patient?

This area is called the pleural space. About half of people with cancer develop a pleural effusion. When cancer grows in the pleural space, it causes a malignant pleural effusion. This condition is a sign that the cancer has spread, or metastasized, to other areas of the body.

Does lung cancer cause your lungs to fill with fluid?

Lung cancer can cause fluid to accumulate in the space that surrounds the affected lung in the chest cavity (pleural space). Fluid accumulating in the chest can cause shortness of breath. Treatments are available to drain the fluid from your chest and reduce the risk that pleural effusion will occur again.

How many times can you drain a pleural effusion?

After catheter insertion, the pleural space should be drained three times a week. No more than 1,000 mL of fluid should be removed at a time—or less if drainage causes chest pain or cough secondary to trapped lung (see below).

Why do lungs fill with fluid when dying?

Your lungs contain many small, elastic air sacs called alveoli. With each breath, these air sacs take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Normally, this exchange of gases occurs without problems. But sometimes, the alveoli fill with fluid instead of air, preventing oxygen from being absorbed into your bloodstream.

What is the best treatment for Stage 4 lung cancer?

But stage 4 lung cancer is treatable. In those that are able to tolerate chemotherapy, traditional chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and/or the newer targeted therapies may improve survival and help with the symptoms of lung cancer.

What are the signs of Stage 4 lung cancer?

And if the same manages to reach the bones, then it may cause pain in the joints, spinal region, thighs and ribs. Stage 4 lung cancer may also cause some less common symptoms. These might include high fever, swollen face, finger clubbing, wheezing and chronic hoarseness.

What happens in Stage 4 lung cancer?

When a person has stage 4 lung cancer, his cancer has spread from the lungs to other parts of the body. It may have spread to the patient’s lymph nodes as well as to the fluid that surrounds his lungs or heart. At this stage, the cancer may also have reached the patient’s brain, kidneys, bones, or other parts of the body.

What is the prognosis for Stage 4 lung cancer?

Stage 4 lung cancer can be treated to prolong life, but is typically incurable. The type of lung cancer affects a patient’s prognosis. A younger person may have a longer life expectancy with stage 4 lung cancer than an older person.