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What is shifty and Lifty?

Shifty and his brother Lifty are two green kleptomaniac raccoon identical twin brothers with dark green mask-like markings around their eyes.

Is flaky from HTF a boy or a girl?

It is also stated by the producers and voice actors during the commentary for the Third Strike Happy Tree Friends DVD that Flaky is female.

Are Lifty and shifty brothers?

Character Bio. Lifty and his brother Shifty are two green kleptomaniac raccoon identical twin brothers with dark green mask-like markings around their eyes. They frequently steal merchandise and products from the other Happy Tree Friends (thus their names).

Does flaky love flippy?

Despite the fact that Flippy and Flaky are not an official couple in the series, they are actually the most popular couple in the entire fandom, greatly surpassing both Cuddles-Giggles and Handy-Petunia.

Who are Lifty and Shifty from Happy Tree Friends?

Lifty and his brother Shifty are two green kleptomaniac raccoon identical twin brothers with dark green mask-like markings around their eyes. They frequently steal merchandise and products from the other Happy Tree Friends (thus their names). They also hunt for treasure, ransack houses, or do anything to get rich quick.

Who are the raccoons in Happy Tree Friends?

Shifty is actually the very first character to be created. Shifty and his brother Lifty are two green kleptomaniac raccoon identical twin brothers with dark green mask-like markings around their eyes. They frequently steal merchandise and produce from the other Happy Tree Friends (thus their names).

How do all the Happy Tree Friends Die?

Like Cuddles, Petunia, Lumpy, and Sniffles, they tend to die some of the messiest deaths in the series. When they do, their deaths involve machines/vehicles, being mashed together or sliced apart, impalement, or some form of heat.

Who is the evil snicker in Happy Tree Friends?

Although they have the same gender, appearance, and personality, Lifty is often the one bossed around. Despite the smirks on their faces, they almost always end up dying in the episodes in which they appear. They also have a trademark evil snicker (usually a different one for later episodes).