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Will robots txt prevent indexing?

If you don’t want anyone from finding a particular page or URL on your site, do not use the robots. txt file to disallow the URL from being crawled.

How do I fix indexed though block by robots txt?

How to fix “Indexed, though blocked by robots. txt”

  1. Export the list of URLs from Google Search Console and sort them alphabetically.
  2. Go through the URLs and check if it includes URLs…
  3. In case it’s not clear to you what part of your robots.

Should I disable robots txt?

Do not use robots. txt to prevent sensitive data (like private user information) from appearing in SERP results. txt directives on your root domain or homepage), it may still get indexed. If you want to block your page from search results, use a different method like password protection or the noindex meta directive.

Is robots txt a vulnerability?

The presence of the robots. txt does not in itself present any kind of security vulnerability. However, it is often used to identify restricted or private areas of a site’s contents.

Does robots txt override sitemap?

An XML sitemap shouldn’t override robots. txt. If you have Google Webmaster Tools setup, you will see warnings on the sitemaps page that pages being blocked by robots are being submitted. So if the pages were indexed before they implemented robots.

Why is robots txt bad?

Simply adding a list of URLs intended to be private to a robots. txt file is one of the worst ways of trying to keep URLs hidden and in most cases, it results in exactly the opposite of the intended outcome.

Is a robots txt file necessary?

No, a robots. txt file is not required for a website. If a bot comes to your website and it doesn’t have one, it will just crawl your website and index pages as it normally would. txt file is only needed if you want to have more control over what is being crawled.

Can a website be indexed if blocked by robots.txt?

A robotted page can still be indexed if linked to from from other sites While Google won’t crawl or index the content blocked by robots.txt, we might still find and index a disallowed URL if it is linked from other places on the web.

What does disallow everything mean in robots.txt?

The “User-agent: *” part means that it applies to all robots. The “Disallow: /” part means that it applies to your entire website. In effect, this will tell all robots and web crawlers that they are not allowed to access or crawl your site.

Is there nofollow, noindex field in robots.txt?

There is a non-standard Noindex field, which Google (and likely no other consumer) supported as experimental feature. Following the robots.txt specification, you can’t disallow indexing nor following links with robots.txt.

How to tell all robots to stay away from your website?

If you want to instruct all robots to stay away from your site, then this is the code you should put in your robots.txt to disallow all: The “User-agent: *” part means that it applies to all robots. The “Disallow: /” part means that it applies to your entire website.