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How do you go to the next room in Game Maker?

Drag and drop the Next Room Action from the Main1 tab to the Actions section. The Go to Next Room Action appears in the Actions section.

What are rooms in GameMaker?

Rooms are created in the Room Editor in GameMaker Studio 2 and are where everything happens in your game. You must have at least one room in any game for it to run, but you may need many more depending on the type of game and how you structure your project.

How do I change the size of my room?

Here are a few ways to change the size of your room with nothing more than a few cans of paint.

  1. Expand the Space.
  2. Make it Look Taller.
  3. Make It Look Smaller.
  4. Elongate A Room.
  5. Square It Up.
  6. Stretch Space Horizontally.
  7. Lower the Ceiling.
  8. Shorten the Room.

How do you change the size of a room in Game Maker?

GameMaker displays as much of the Room as it can within the window while maintaining the appropriate aspect ratio. You can press the spacebar to change Rooms to see how the window and view adapts to different Room sizes.

How do you create a child room in GameMaker Studio 2?

You would create the initial room with everything as normal, then you’d create a child room which inherits the parent room layers. In the child room you’d switch off inheritance for the tile layer (or even individual tiles) for the castle area and them move/add/delete tiles to create the destroyed castle look.

How do you open tile layer in GameMaker Studio 2?

You can double-click on any of these items on the layer to open up the item properties. Tile layers are what you would expect, ie: a layer of images from a tile-set that are drawn to the room, but note that tiles in GameMaker Studio 2 are always snapped to the grid.

How do you create a room in YoYo Games?

When you create a room resource, you can right click on it in the resource tree to open the room menu. This will permit you to create child rooms (see Inheritance below), open up the room properties for changing, add a new resource group to better organise the rooms, rename the room or delete it.

Where are the viewports in GameMaker Studio 2?

This can all be easily achieved in GameMaker Studio 2 using camera views. At the top of the views properties you can toggle the view inheritance on or off, then there is a box labelled Enable Viewports. This must be flagged before any of the views can be active in your game.