Is Kennen good in League of Legends?
Kennen is a pretty good main as he has a strong lane and great teamfights. Teamfights are also great and can even with you a fight. Also, he’s rarely banned so if you feel comfortable playing him, go ahead.
How do you use Kennen combo?
Kennen · Combos When looking to engage or flank a teamfight E then R and instantly F W. Quickly Q then recast E to continue to AA. To kill someone in an extended fight when your W passive up, E into melee range then instantly W E AA once it connects.
Does Kennen counter sett?
This particular counter pairing is somewhat rare. Sett fights Kennen in only 1.3% of his games. Sett has done a ok job of beating Kennen. On average, he wins a acceptable 50.8% of games the champs fight each other in.
Is Kennen good in low Elo?
He IS a good champion in low elo because for some reason all low elo players just want to have a 5v5 and he absolutely wrecks teams that are bunched up together. Kennen will always be a good pick to have because he never seems too OP to receive a nerf, but still strong enough to make the enemy team have to respect you.
Is Kennen BOT viable?
Yes. He can be an effective adc as well as support.
Is Kennen good top lane?
Kennen has a pretty good laning phase both in support and Top/Mid. You can 1v1 fine in the Top/Mid lane but not support. You can get out of most thing becuse of your mobility. Your Ult is very powerful and can win almost any team fight with this ability.
Can Kennen split push?
Fighting as Kennen can be difficult if the enemy is able to disengage or has poke damage. To make team fighting easier, look to flank from the side. Group with your team and do not leave them. If you start to split push, the enemy will force a fight and kill your team while you’re gone.
Who does Kennen counter?
Kennen Counter Pick
Win Rate | Ban Rate | |
Illaoithe Kraken Priestess | 50.03% | 0.6% |
MordekaiserIron Revenant | 48.3% | 1.12% |
AkaliFist of Shadow | 48.25% | 1.69% |
RenektonButcher of the Sands | 48.37% | 1.4% |
What’s the best way to play kennen in League?
Use your range and energy advantage to gain an early lead. Try to harass the enemy champion as often as possible. Split push whenever your Ultimate R is down in the mid-game. While team fighting is important for Kennen, falling behind in gold and XP will make you pretty much useless in team fights.
Which is the best early game Jungler for kennen?
Not specifically Lee but strong AD early game junglers work best with Kennen ex. Lee, Rengar, Kindred, Xin. Kennen has lane priority in 90% of matchups so your jungler can go for invades/scuttle. Having an AD jungler means your lane opponent cant stack 200 MR because then your AD jungler will fk em up for you
Which is the best version of kennen to use?
AP kennen is the most basic version of kennen there is. This is by far the easiest kennen varient and can be used to great effect by almost anyone. This build I find is affective mostly in mid lane but top lane can use it as well with varying success rates.
How long does kennen stun last in League of Legends?
Kennen’s Abilities. Kennen’s abilities add Marks of the Storm to opponents which last for 6 seconds. The marks are consumed at three stacks, stunning the opponent for 1.25 seconds while restoring 25 Energy. If the same target is stunned more than once within 6 seconds, the stun lasts only 0.5 seconds.