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Where do Masked weavers live?

The most widely dispersed Southern African weaver, the masked weaver nests in trees and bushes near available water. Found in sub-Saharan Africa including South Africa, Angola, Zaire, Zambia, and Tanzania.

What do Masked weavers eat?

Feeding. The southern masked weaver is usually seen singly or in small groups. It may also form larger flocks, alone or with other seed eating species. It eats insects, seeds and nectar, and will come to feeding tables.

What do weaver bird eat?

Diet of the Weaver Most are chiefly herbivorous, and consume mostly seeds, but they also ingest insects and invertebrates. The proportion of their diet is based on the species. For some species, seeds make up the huge majority of the diet.

How do weavers mate?

Sex: Cape Weavers are polygamous; one male mating with up to seven females. The female lays 2–5 eggs, which she will incubate for 13 or more days. To attract females the males hang from the downward-facing entrance and sway to-and-fro, flapping their wings and uttering ‘swizzling’ calls until a female is attracted.

Where are Southern Masked Weavers found?

southern Africa
The southern masked weaver (Ploceus velatus), or African masked weaver, is a resident breeding bird species common throughout southern Africa. This weaver is very widespread and found in a wide range of habitats, including shrubland, savanna, grassland, open woodland, inland wetlands and semi-desert areas.

What kind of mask does a southern masked weaver have?

The southern masked-weaver has a yellow forehead and crown, with a black mask that extends only to the forehead. The nape, back of the neck and breast are yellow. The eye is red and the bill is black. The male has very similar colouring as the female, outside of the breeding season.

What kind of habitat does the African masked weaver live in?

The Southern Masked-Weavers or African Masked-weavers (Ploceus velatus) is common throughout southern Africa, where they occur in a wide range of habitats, including shrubland, savanna, grassland, open woodland, inland wetlands and semi-desert areas.

How many males does a lesser masked weaver have?

Lesser Masked Weavers are territorial colonial nesters, with colonies of about 10-300 breeding males. Males will mate with up to 5 females (average 2) per breeding season. The males are responsible for building the nests, which are never used more than once.

When is the breeding season for the masked weaver?

Similar Species: They look similar to the Southern Masked Weaver, but the males can be identified by the lighter eyes. The male Southern Masked Weaver has reddish eyes. The breeding season usually stretches from September through October and from January through February.