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Who has the highest happiness index?

Finland was ranked the happiest country in the world, according to the World Happiness Report from 2021. The Nordic country scored 7.89 on a scale from 0 to 10. Two other Nordic countries, Iceland and Denmark, followed with a second and third place, respectively.

What is the world Happiness Index 2020?

Finland was ranked the happiest country in the world, a feat the Nordic nation achieved for the fourth consecutive year. India had ranked 144 out of 156 countries in the 2020 report. Among neighbouring countries, Pakistan ranked 105th, China 84th, Sri Lanka 129th and Bangladesh 101st.

What is India’s rank in World Happiness Report 2021?

139 out of 149
India has been ranked 139 out of 149 countries in the list of UN World Happiness Report 2021 released on Friday which is topped by Finland. The World Happiness Report 2021, issued by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, focuses on the effects of COVID-19 and how people all over the world have fared.

Which is the happiest country as per the 2021 World Happiness Index?

Finland has been ranked as the happiest country in the world. The Nordic nation is followed by Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and Norway. Pakistan is on 105th, Bangladesh on 101st and China on 84th, according to the report.

What is the saddest country in the world?

People in war-torn Afghanistan are the most unhappy with their lives, followed by Zimbabwe (148), Rwanda (147), Botswana (146) and Lesotho (145). The happiness study ranks the countries of the world on the basis of questions from the Gallup World Poll.

Are people happier in 2021?

Five surveys conducted since the start of the pandemic indicate that between 65.8% and 69.2% of Americans anticipate their life satisfaction to be at least an eight five years from now, Bacic reports, a higher rate than before the start of the pandemic.

Which is the unhappiest country in the world 2021?

Zimbabwe is the country with the lowest happiness rating in the world. The report found that the people were unsatisfied with the country’s economic path, according to the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition.