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How do you calculate reduced fractions?

Here’s how to reduce a fraction:

  1. Break down both the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) into their prime factors. For example, suppose you want to reduce the fraction 12/30.
  2. Cross out any common factors.
  3. Multiply the remaining numbers to get the reduced numerator and denominator.

What is 602 1505 in its simplest form?

Therefore, 1505/602 simplified to lowest terms is 5/2.

How do you simplify and reduce fractions?

So, reducing or simplifying fractions means we make the fraction as simple as possible. We do this by dividing the numerator and the denominator by the largest number that can divide into both numbers exactly. In other words, we divide the top and bottom by the biggest number they have in common.

How do you reduce fraction into the lowest term?

To reduce a fraction to lowest terms, divide the numerator and denominator by their Greatest Common Factor (GCF). This is also called simplifying the fraction.

What is a reduce fraction?

A fraction written in lowest terms, i.e., by dividing numerator and denominator through by their greatest common divisor. . For example, 2/3 is the reduced fraction of 8/12.

Can I reduce 4 2?

Therefore, 4/2 simplified to lowest terms is 2/1.

How can you tell if a fraction is reduced?

Part 1 of 2: Identifying Reduced Fractions Look for unit fractions. A unit fraction is one that has 1 as the numerator. Determine whether the denominator is a multiple of the numerator. One way to reduce a fraction is to divide by a greatest common factor. Determine whether the denominator is a prime number. Find the difference between the numerator and the denominator.

What is 9 6 simplified?

The fraction 9 6 is equivalent to 1 1 2. This fraction is a improper fraction once the absolute value of the top number or numerator (9) is greater than the absolute value of the bottom number or denomintor (6). So, the equivalent fraction is a mixed number which is made up of a whole number (1) and a proper fraction ( 1 2 ).

How do you convert fractions into simplest form?

Rules to convert a percentage into a fraction in simplest form The percentage is written as a fraction with 100 as denominator. For example, 30% = $\\frac{30}{100}$ This fraction is then simplified and reduced to lowest terms. For example, 30% = $\\frac{30}{100} = \\frac{3}{10}$

What is the simplest fraction?

The simplest form of a fraction is N D, where N and D have no common factors (except 1 ). Thus, in simplest form, there is no number other than 1 that goes into both the numerator and denominator evenly.