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What is an example of a direct object pronoun?

A direct object pronoun is a word such as me, him, us and them, which is used instead of the noun to stand in for the person or thing most directly affected by the action expressed by the verb.

What is the direct object pronoun for it in Spanish?

Spanish Direct Object Pronoun and Indirect Object Pronoun Forms

Direct Object Pronoun Indirect Object Pronoun English
me me me
te te you
lo , la le him, her, it, you
nos nos us

How do you find the direct object in a Spanish sentence?

The direct object is the person or thing that receives the action of the verb in a sentence. To find the direct object in a sentence, ask Who? or What? Tengo un perrito. I have a puppy.

How do you find direct object?

To find the direct object, say the subject and verb followed by whom or what. If nothing answers the question whom or what, you know that there is no direct object. Example: The car hit the tree.

How do you answer direct object pronouns?

A direct object answers the question of who(m) or what. In the sentence above, you could determine that ‘baseball’ is a direct object by asking the question: What did Alice catch? She caught the baseball. Baseball is the direct object.

What are the six indirect object pronouns in Spanish?

There are only six indirect object pronouns for you to remember in Spanish: me (to/for me) te (to/for you) le (to for him/her, you (formal)) nos (to/for us) os (to/for you (informal, plural) le (to/for them, you (plural/formal))

What are some Spanish object pronouns?

The other object pronouns in Spanish are me (first-person singular), te (second-person familiar singular), nos (first-person plural) and os (second-person familiar plural).

What are some examples of direct objects in Spanish?

Direct Object Pronouns in Spanish. In a sentence, the direct object is the recipient of the verb’s action. Example: Leo los libros. [I’m reading the books.] Here, los libro/the book is the direct object – it is the item being read, so it is what the verb is acting upon.

What are direct and indirect object pronouns?

Direct object pronouns are those pronouns that represent the nouns directly acted upon by the verb. Indirect object pronouns stand for the noun that is the recipient of the verb’s action.