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How do I change the position of a module in Joomla?

2.5 template for your web site from Extensions > Template Manager. Then navigate to Extensions > Module Manager. Select the chosen module and click on Edit. Press Select Position.

What is module position in Joomla?

A module position is a placeholder in a template. Placeholders identify one or several positions within the template and tell the Joomla! application where to place output from modules assigned to a particular position.

What is the term positions used in Joomla?

Joomla positions are placeholders that you set modules to, such that a module is shown in that position. For example, if the Joomla template has a search position, you would place the search module in that position. The same goes for other module positions such as banner, sidebar, footer, breadcrumbs, left, right etc.

How do I edit frontend in Joomla?

How to enable frontend editing feature in Joomla 3. x.

  1. Navigate to site admin panel, go to System -> Global Configuration -> Site tab, and look for the ‘Mouse-over edit icons for’ option under the Site Settings section.
  2. Select ‘Modules&Menus’ in the drop-down list and save the changes.

How do I delete a component in Joomla?

Select Component from the Select Type drop-down menu. Search for the chosen component in the filtered results and click on the checkbox beside it. Find the Uninstall in the upper right Joomla! 2.5 menu and click on it to completely remove the chosen component.

How do I turn off frontend editing in Joomla?

2 Answers. In the Joomla backend, go to System >> Global Configuration, and you will see an option called Mouse-over edit icons for, which you can simply set to none.

How do I edit Joomla website content?

Step 1: Navigate to the Articles Manager. Step 2: Click on the title of the page that you want to modify. Step 3: Make the desired changes using the Editor. You can add text and images to your page.

How do I uninstall a component?

Delete a Component

  1. Open the Summary tab of the component you wish to delete.
  2. From the Actions panel, select the Delete Component button. A confirmation message displays as follows: You are about to delete this component.
  3. Select the appropriate action:
  4. This warning provides a final means of aborting the deletion.

Ist es möglich ein Modul in Joomla zu erstellen?

In Joomla! 2.5+ und Joomla! 3.x+ ist es möglich ein Modul innerhalb eines “Eigene Inhalte (Custom HTML)”-Moduls einzufügen. Sie werden von Content-Plugins (Inhalt-Plugins) genauso verarbeitet wie Artikel.

Wie kann man den Stil eines Moduls angeben?

Man kann den Stil, der für die Darstellung des Moduls verwendet werden soll, als dritten Parameter {loadmodule login,Login 2,xhtml} angeben. Falls kein Stil angegeben ist, wird “none” verwendet. In Joomla! 2.5+ und Joomla! 3.x+ ist es möglich ein Modul innerhalb eines “Eigene Inhalte (Custom HTML)”-Moduls einzufügen.

Wie hat der Template-Designer die Kontrolle über die Modulpositionen?

Der Template-Designer hat die vollständige Kontrolle über die Modulpositionen, indem er Variationen zwischen den Templates und den jeweiligen Joomla!-Standardpositionen erzeugt, die den Modulen in den Installationsbeispieldaten zugewiesen sind.