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What does roadwork mean?

1 : work done in constructing or repairing roads. 2 : conditioning for an athletic contest (such as a boxing match) consisting mainly of long runs.

What is the meaning of end sign?

Dead end signs are posted at the entrance of a road or street to let the driver know the path they are on ends in a dead end or cul-de-sac. Drivers who encounter a dead end sign should be warned that the street they are on will not connect through to a different street. Shape: diamond-shaped.

What does the end sign on a motorway mean?

End of motorway. Start of motorway and point from which motorway regulations apply. Appropriate traffic lanes at junction ahead. Traffic on the main carriageway coming from right has priority over joining traffic. Additional traffic joining from left ahead.

What does flagger sign mean?

FLAGGER AHEAD. The sign is also known as ROAD CONSTRUCTION AHEAD. This traffic signs warns you that a flagger is controlling traffic ahead. Flaggers use STOP and SLOW paddles or a red flag to signal traffic to stop or slow down. Pay special attentions to flaggers when approaching and traveling through a work zone.

Which is correct on the road or in the road?

“on the road” implies traveling. “in the road” implies something there- like you mentioned a skunk, a branch, etc.

What are the layers of road construction?

The road pavement structure layers are as follows.

  • Subgrade or road bed.
  • Sub base course.
  • Base Course.
  • Surface coarse or wearing course.

What is zone end sign?

When a 20mph zone ends and the speed limit becomes 30mph the following sign will be shown. At the end of a restricted speed limit, you might see the following sign which indicates that the national speed limit applies. If there is a stop sign, you must stop. If your view is restricted at a road junction you must stop.

What color is a dead end sign?

Dead End Sign Specifications: Dead End Signs have a yellow background color. The text and border are black. Dead End Signs are diamond shaped.

What is interstate sign?

The interstate sign is a directional sign. Interstate signs indicate the route number of the highway. This sign is found at large intersections and may be accompanied by arrows or the direction. Color: Blue, red and white. White numbers on a blued background and a red line along the top.

What does yield mean for driving?

Yield means let other road users go first. A yield sign assigns the right-of-way to traffic in certain intersections. If you see a yield sign ahead, be prepared to let other drivers crossing your road take the right-of-way. And don’t forget about bicycles and pedestrians!

What does this sign mean end road work?

An “End Road Work” sign indicates that a driver or pedestrian is about to enter back into a normal zone and should follow any regular signs ahead moving forward. Why is it Important to Let Motorists Know Construction Zones Have Ended?

What does road construction sign mean?

Road Construction Signs are intended to guide, warn and regulate traffic during road construction. Construction signs are generally a bright orange to capture people’s attention quickly. They must fulfill a need, command attention, convey a clear message, command respect from travelers, and give adequate time for a response.

What is road work sign?

Road work ahead signs are a type of construction traffic sign. Road construction signs are intended to let drivers know that there is road work going on, and that they should drive with caution to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

What is workers ahead sign?

There are road workers ahead on or near your path. This sign is only used while workers are in the area. If there is a speed limit on the sign, you must obey it until the next speed limit sign. The temporary speed limit on the sign applies until the next speed limit sign.