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What animals names in French?

Pets and animals in French

  • un chien = a dog.
  • un chat = a cat.
  • un lapin = a rabbit.
  • une tortue = a turtle.
  • un hamster = a hamster.
  • un poisson rouge = a goldfish.
  • une souris = a mouse.
  • un canari = a canary.

What animal is French?

The Official National (State) Animal of France. The official animal of France is the Gallic rooster. The use of this animal actually stems in part from a linguistic accident. The Latin words for rooster and Gaul (the historical region of France in Roman times) were both the same: gallus.

How do you spell Lion in French?

lion → lion, lionne.

What animal starts with L French?

AARDVARK oryctérope or cochon de terre ALBERTOSAURUS Albertosaure ALLIGATOR l’alligator
LADYBUG la coccinelle LAMBEOSAURUS Lambéosaure LEOPARD le léopard
LLAMA le lama LOBSTER le homard MONKEY le singe
MOTH le papillon de nuit MOUSE la souris NAUTILUS nautile
OCTOPUS la pieuvre ORANGUTAN l’orang-outang OSTRICH l’autruche

Which animals are feminine in French?

Talking about other animals in French

Masculine nouns English Feminine nouns
un éléphant an elephant une baleine
un lion a lion une chèvre
un oiseau a bird une girafe
un singe a monkey une grenouille

Which are the domestic animals?

Animal domestication falls into three main groupings: domestication for companionship (dogs and cats), animals farmed for food (sheep, cows, pigs, turkeys, etc.), and working or draft animals (horses, donkeys, camels). …

What are the 5 domestic animals?

List of domesticated animals

  • Pets (dogs, cats, hamsters, etc.)
  • Livestock (cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, etc.)
  • Beasts of burden (horses, camels, donkeys, etc.)

How many animals are in France?

France is a country located on the western side of Europe which includes several territories and regions abroad. To date, 120 mammal species have been recorded in the country.

What is French for Jaguar?

jaguar. More French words for jaguar. le jaguar noun. jaguar. le Tigre noun.

When to learn the names of animals in French?

Learning animal names is generally taught when the class is working on themes like “the farm” or something similar. Whether you are looking for the names of animals in French for a project for school or just to complete a theme that you are studying in French, these lists will give you more animals than you can remember!

Are there any French flashcards for domestic animals?

There are no more sets of french flashcards. But you can go to the section of english flashcards and translate them on french. Did you not find Domestic animals cards in your language?

What do you call a bird in French?

Group lessons! The amphibians and reptiles are called ‘Amphibien’ and ‘Reptiles’ in French. Below you will find a selection of ‘Vögel’ (birds) translated in German. Below you will find a couple of ‘Meerestiere’ translated to German.

What are the names of reptiles in French?

Reptiles (Les Reptiles) 1 Source Alligator – l’alligator (lah-lee-gah-tohr) 2 Crocodile – le crocodile (luh kroe-koe-deel) 3 Frog – la grenouille (lah grun-wee-yuh) 4 Lizard – le lézard (luh lay-sahr) 5 Snake – le serpent (luh sair-pont) 6 Toad – le crapaud (luh crah-poe) 7 Turtle – la tortue (lah tor-too)