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20 amazing health benefits of pineapple


Fruits have always remained a favorite item for kids and adults. They prefer fruits in breakfast, after lunch, dinner and even in their tiffin’s. Fruit salad is a famous type of desert where inclusion of pineapple is a must.

Pineapple is a perfect fruit that can be enjoyed during summer as well as in winter. The bold and strong flavor of pineapple brings versatility to both sweet and savory dishes.

Apart from this it performs as an excellent source of nutrients Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Manganese, copper, fiber and many more. All these nutrients are extremely beneficial for not only the kids but also for the adults.

Now let us see what the basic benefits of the famous fruit pineapple are and how they are liked by kids and adults.

Health Benefits of Pineapple

  1. Pineapples are tropical fruits which are rich in vitamin C. In this pandemic doctors and physicians are suggesting consuming more and more vitamin C and rich nutrients foods. Therefore, in this regard pineapple can be one of the fruits that can protect us from the germ and virus spreader outside. “I am a fruit lover kind of person and pineapple is my favorite fruit” says Divya who is an expert and wrote a post on best fish finder under 500
  2. Pineapple contains diseases fighting antioxidants, which again keep us protected from the spreaded Coronavirus and other types of germs. Antioxidants are molecules which help our body to combat stress. Free radicals are usually found in our body during the state of an oxidative stress. These free radicals interact with the other body cells and cause damages whose consequence is chronic inflammation, weakened immune system and other harmful diseases.
  3. Pineapples are low in calories but are incredible in supplying nutritional sources. As of low calorie sugar or diabetic patients too can have this fruit in their breakfast or tiffin.
  4. Pineapples are rich in vitamin A and K which helps us to maintain our blood clotting, bone metabolism and also regulate blood calcium level.
  5. Pineapple contains trace amounts of phosphorus, zinc and calcium which helps us to strengthen our bones and plays an important role in nucleic acid and cell membranes. “I am fond of pineapples not because it is delicious but it has too many health benefits” says Akhram who is a blogger and wrote post on best flushing toilets
  6. Pineapples are an excellent nutritional source of manganese which is well known as natural occurring minerals. It helps to aid the growth, maintains a healthy metabolism and contains antioxidant properties.
  7. Pineapples contain digestive enzymes usually known as bromelain, secure and protect our digestive system. This specific enzyme helps to break down the proteins and helps from digestion problems especially in those with pancreatic insufficiency.
  8. This tropical fruit is a good way to get important dietary fiber. As it maintains the fiber, it therefore helps to control the stooling problems. Kids usually face the stooling problem the most as they drink insufficient water out of which constipation occurs. Having pineapples can reduce this pain a bit.
  9. In this pandemic this tropical fruit helps to boost up the immunity and suppress the inflammation. We are working hard to protect our immune power to stay healthier and germ free in this COVID-19 situation. Having the option of pineapples can be a good idea.
  10. Pineapples contain properties that reduce the oxidative stress and inflammation and both of these are linked with cancer. Therefore, there is a high chance of this tropical fruit to reduce the risk of cancer.
  11. Most people nowadays are suffering from arthritis. Arthritis causes inflammation in the joints. Since pineapples contain bromelain and other anti-oxidant properties it can therefore provide pain relief from arthritis. “I was suffering from arthritis pain since years and is under medication, and my diet chart include consumption of pineapples” says Moti who wrote post on best trimmer for balls
  12. As it is a delicious fruit it is easily attracted by the kids. The kids prefer to eat these fruits and gain nutritional sources. Parents should therefore include this tropical fruit in their diet chart and motivate them to become a fruit lover.
  13. Pineapples are easily accessible and are not that expensive. This fruit is easily available everywhere in every country and state. You can purchase them fresh, canned or frozen. As it is easy to add them in breakfast salads, custard or any other desert form, the kids get fascinated towards their breakfast meal.
  14. Consumption of pineapples can help you in speedy recovery after surgery. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties it can actively help to reduce many such pain from infection, germs, pain of surgery and many more.
  15. Consumption of pineapples can help to reduce wrinkles and improve the overall skin texture. “ Recently purchased pineapples and after having it undergo an improved skin glow” say Nabina who provides online poetry class
  16. As pineapples contain powerful enzymes, it therefore helps to break down and sweep away the dead skin cells. It helps to reduce the skin rashes and damages, and make you look clean and fresh.
  17. Consumption of pineapples is good for the eyes, as it has the power to reduce the risk of macular degeneration which affects the eyes during the aged phase.
  18. Consumption of pineapples can strengthen your gums and keep you healthy and strong. As our teeth are made up of bones and calcium and pineapples do have good content in this regard.
  19. Pineapples help to treat us from cold and cough. You can try this tropical fruit instead of consuming the cough syrups.
  20. Pineapples are beneficial for our hair as it contains rich vitamin C and aids in the growth of hair.


From the above-mentioned point it is clear that pineapples are not only a delicious and tasty fruit but also have a huge number of health benefits. In this pandemic of COVID-19, this fruit can be the best option in protecting us from this life threatening germs and virus.

Therefore, the parents should include this fruit in their diet, and encourage their kids to eat fruits regularly after their meal.