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Where is Tempest Keep location?

Tempest Keep is located off the Eastern Edge of Netherstorm in Outland. It requires a flying mount to get to.

Where is the Eye raid located at?

The Eye is located in Netherstorm at (76.6, 65.8): When you turn to face Tempest Keep in front of you, you’ll see the floating islands of The Eye, The Mechanar, The Botanica and .

How do you do heroics Tempest Keep?

To access the Heroic Difficulty of the above-mentioned instances, you must have the Warpforged Key sold by Almaador in Shattrath City, in the Terokkar Forrest. However, to obtain this key, you need to reach Revered reputation with the Sha’tar.

Where is Kael’thas raid?

Kael’thas Sunstrider
Location Buried on Quel’Danas (lore); Spirit resides in Revendreth Various
Status Active
Relative(s) Anasterian (father), Dath’Remar (great-great-grandfather), Lyandra (distant relative)
Mentor(s) Kil’jaeden, Illidan Stormrage, Anasterian Sunstrider, possibly Grand Magus Telestra

Can you get into Tempest Keep without flying?

In order to access the Tempest Keep you will either need a flying mount (druids can use flight form), or as of patch 2.4. The Sun Gate at Bloodmyst Isle showed Tempest Keep.

Where is Tk TBC?

Floating on the edge of Netherstorm, the entire range of TK 5-man instances are awesome.

Where is arcatraz TBC?

the Netherstorm
The Arcatraz can be found floating in the sky in the Netherstorm at coordinates 74, 58 and is to the right of The Botanica with red crystals on top of and below the building. Players who are unable to get summoned to the front of the instance will need a flying mount to get there.

How do I get to Tempest Keep without flying?

In order to access the Tempest Keep you will either need a flying mount (druids can use flight form), or as of patch 2.4. 0 be summoned from a warlock that is currently inside. The Sun Gate at Bloodmyst Isle showed Tempest Keep.

Can Warlock summon to Tempest Keep?

The Botanica (Level 70-72 mobs). In order to access the Tempest Keep you will either need a flying mount (druids can use flight form), or as of patch 2.4. 0 be summoned from a warlock that is currently inside.

Can a Warlock summon you to arcatraz?

As with the other Tempest Keep instances, every member of the group needs a flying mount (or flying form, if a druid) to reach the instance entrance. If you cannot fly you may be summoned by a Warlock instead; the minimum level to enter the instance is 65.

How to fight Kael Thas in Tempest Keep?

Fighting Kael’thas (star on map): Aggro Kael’thas. He will talk for a while, then send his 4 advisers at you one by one. When they’re down, he will summon six weapons that can be easily killed.

What does Kael Thas Sunstrider yell at capernian?

Kael’thas Sunstrider yells: Bow to my will! Kael’thas Sunstrider yells: By the power of the sun! Kael’thas Sunstrider yells: Capernian will see to it that your stay here is a short one. Kael’thas Sunstrider yells: Energy.

What does Kael Thas Sunstrider yell at Illidan?

Kael’thas Sunstrider yells: Anar’anel belore! Kael’thas Sunstrider yells: And there is nothing you or that fool, Illidan, can do to stop me! You have both served me in your own right – unwittingly. Kael’thas Sunstrider yells: As you see, I have many weapons in my arsenal…. Kael’thas Sunstrider yells: Bow to my will!

Where do you get the eye in Tempest Keep?

In order to be attuned for The Eye, you’ll need to complete a very long quest chain. It starts with The Hand of Gul’dan in Shadowmoon Valley and ends with Trial of the Naaru: Magtheridon in Shattrath City. Gear requirements for Tempest Keep