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Where is Num lock in Lenovo laptop?

The NmLk key is located on the top, right hand side of the keyboard. Sometimes it is on the same key as F8, F7, or Insert. Press Fn+F8, F7, or Insert to enable/disable numlock.

How to turn off numlock on Lenovo?

Press Fn+F8, F7, or Insert to enable/disable numlock. For 15-inch or above laptops, the numeric keypad is located on the right side of the keyboard. Press NmLk to enable or disable the numeric keypad.

Where is Num lock on ThinkPad?

Locate the “Num Lock” or “NmLk” button near the top of the keyboard on the right side. The text on the button is printed in blue, and this key usually doubles as the ScrLk or F10 key, depending on your keyboard model.

Where is my Num Lock key?

The Num Lock key is usually located in the upper-left corner of the keypad. If you’re using a laptop with a numeric keypad, the Num Lock key will be in the same place as a desktop keyboard.

How do I turn Num Lock off?

How to turn on or off the NUM LOCK or SCROLL LOCK.

  1. On a notebook computer keyboard, while holding down the FN key, press either the NUM LOCK or SCROLL LOCK to enable the function.
  2. On a desktop computer keyboard, press NUM LOCK or SCROLL LOCK to enable the function, and press it again to disable the function.

How do I turn NumLock off on my laptop?

How do I type in numbers on my Lenovo laptop?


  1. Right-click the Windows icon.
  2. Select Ease of Access.
  3. Select Keyboard, and then move the slider under On-Screen Keyboard to On.
  4. A keyboard appears on the screen. Click Options and check Turn on numeric keypad, then click OK.

What is Num Lock in laptop?

Num Lock or Numeric Lock (⇭) is a key on the numeric keypad of most computer keyboards. It is a lock key, like Caps Lock and Scroll Lock. Its state (on or off) affects the function of the numeric keypad commonly located to the right of the main keyboard and is commonly displayed by an LED built into the keyboard.

How do I turn off Num Lock on my laptop?

On a notebook computer keyboard, while holding down the FN key, press either the NUM LOCK or SCROLL LOCK to enable the function. Press the same key combination again to disable the function. On a desktop computer keyboard, press NUM LOCK or SCROLL LOCK to enable the function, and press it again to disable the function.

How do I turn on NumLock on my Lenovo laptop?

Is the NumLock key on a Lenovo ThinkPad?

This feature is not available on all Lenovo laptops, the ThinkPad being the most prominent model without a NumLock key. If your Lenovo does not have a NumLock key and alternate numeric pad, you can use the Windows On-Screen Keyboard.

Is the NumLock taste in the Tastatur?

Um die Zehnertastatur auf einem Laptop zu verwenden, aktivieren Sie die NumLock-Taste auf der Tastatur. Mit der NumLock-Taste wird ein Teil der Haupttastatur so konvertiert, dass er anstelle von Buchstaben als Ziffernblock fungiert.

Is the NUM pad the same as the function key on a laptop?

But if you switch on NumLock then the same keys will function as the keys of Num Pad in a desktop keyboard. To toggle the status of NumLock in laptops, you usually need to press NumLock key along with the Function (Fn) key.

What to do if there is no NumLock on the keyboard?

What to do if there is no NumLock Key: Some 14-inch or less than 14-inch laptops are designed with a NmLk key. The NmLk key is located on the top, right hand side of the keyboard. Sometimes it is on the same key as F8, F7, or Insert. Press Fn+F8, F7, or Insert to enable/disable numlock.