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What resources come from the rainforest?

Other staples that come from rainforests include citrus, cassava, and avocado, as well as cashews, Brazil nuts, and ubiquitous spices like vanilla and sugar. Then there are a few foods that many of us consider life-giving—coffee, tea, and cocoa—and yes, they come from tropical forests, too.

What are the living conditions in the rainforest?

The tropical rainforest biome has four main characteristics: very high annual rainfall, high average temperatures, nutrient-poor soil, and high levels of biodiversity (species richness).

What adaptations do rainforest animals have?

Top 7 Tropical Rainforest Animal Adaptations

  • Camouflage.
  • Mimicry.
  • Having A Limited Diet.
  • Poison.
  • Reduction of Size and Stature.
  • Nocturnality.
  • Changing of Habitats.

What benefits do we get from the rainforest?

By absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing the oxygen that we depend on for our survival. The absorption of this CO2 also helps to stabilize the Earth’s climate. Rainforests also help to maintain the world’s water cycle by adding water to the atmosphere through the process of transpiration which creates clouds.

What do rainforests provide for humans?

They make much of the oxygen humans and animals depend on. Without them, there would be less air to breathe! Rainforests also help maintain Earth’s climate. By taking in carbon dioxide, they help to reduce the greenhouse effect.

Why do people want to live in a rainforest?

Tropical rainforests are home to indigenous peoples who rely on their surroundings for food, shelter, and medicines. Today very few forest people live in traditional ways; most have been displaced by outside settlers or have been forced to give up their lifestyles by governments.

How are rainforests affected by humans?

Many activities contribute to this loss including subsistence activities, oil extraction, logging, mining, fires, war, commercial agriculture, cattle ranching, hydroelectric projects, pollution, hunting and poaching, the collection of fuel wood and building material, and road construction.

How do animals survive in rainforest?

The animals use the tall trees and understory for shelter, hiding places from their predators, and a source of food. Because there are so many animals competing for food, many animals have adapted by learning to eat a particular food eaten by no other animal.

How do rainforest plants adapt to their environment?

They have adapted to life in the rainforest by having their roots in the ground and climbing high into the tree canopy to reach available sunlight. The leaves of forest trees have adapted to cope with exceptionally high rainfall. It is thought that these drip tips enable rain drops to run off quickly.

Is the Amazon rainforest included in the KS2 package?

This is our complete Amazon rainforest package for Key Stage 2. In this download you’ll receive our brilliant KS2 worksheets, activities, PowerPoints and rainforest pictures, as well as the chance to introduce your class to the issue of deforestation and its impacts on the planet. Also available for KS1. Do your class have big dreams?

How to learn about life in the rainforests?

Research the different type of rainforest homes and settlements; create shelters from natural materials to build a tribal village. To explore the similarities and differences between their own homes and the homes within a tribal village. To research and create different kinds of shelters.

How does the Rainforest education pack help children?

To help answer some of the questions we receive we produced a school booklet and teachers guide designed with the KS2 National Curriculum in mind. The pack will teach children all about the people, animals and plants that live in the rainforest and threats which they are facing.

How is life in the jungle in Guyana?

The rainforest in Guyana is a place that has hardly changed since Raleigh’s day and remains one of the few areas of unspoilt jungle anywhere in the world. The whole jungle is in a delicate state of balance in which all plants, insects and animals depend on each other.