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What planets are visible right now in PA?

Planets Visible in Pennsylvania

Planetrise/Planetset, Mon, Oct 11, 2021
Planet Rise Comment
Venus Mon 11:23 am Good visibility
Mars Tue 7:12 am Very close to Sun, not visible
Jupiter Mon 4:19 pm Perfect visibility

What planets are visible in Melbourne?

Visible night of Oct 29 – Oct 30, 2021

Mercury: From Sat 5:40 am
Venus: Until Fri 11:53 pm
Mars: From Sat 6:00 am
Jupiter: Until Sat 3:19 am
Saturn: Until Sat 2:32 am

What planets are visible tonight in Dallas?

Planets Visible in Dallas

Planetrise/Planetset, Sun, Nov 7, 2021
Planet Rise Set
Venus Sat 11:42 am Sat 9:13 pm
Mars Sun 6:03 am Sun 5:00 pm
Jupiter Sat 2:41 pm Sun 1:26 am

Which is the most visible planet in the night sky?

When You Can See The Planets in 2021 1 Mercury. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun in our Solar System. 2 Venus. After the Moon, Venus is the brightest natural object in the night sky. 3 Mars. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in our Solar System. 4 Jupiter. 5 Saturn. 6 Uranus. 7 Neptune.

What to look for in the night sky on November 6?

Visible low in the east-southeastern sky before dawn on Tuesday, November 6, the old crescent moon will appear 8.5 degrees (or a generous palm’s width) to the left of the very bright planet Venus. Viewed in a telescope, Venus will exhibit the same illuminated phase as the moon.

Are there any planets that can be seen from Earth?

Uranus and Neptune, the two outer planets, can be barely visible depending on your location. However, even when they are visible, they’ll look identical to stars.

When is the best time to see the planets?

Morn: the planet is best seen in the Morning sky, after midnight and before dawn. The planet reaches its highest possible point in the celestial sphere when it crosses the meridian (due North in the Southern hemisphere, due South in the Northern hemisphere) during the Morning.