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What percent of Yiddish is German?

Yiddish was born in the Rhineland more than 900 years ago. A fusion of about 80 percent German and 20 percent Hebrew, it also has incorporated many words from the Romance and Slavic languages, and, in the last hundred years, from English.

Is Yiddish still spoken in Germany?

While Yiddish is no longer actively spoken in Europe, several words are still kept alive through German speakers – whether they realize it or not. Thus, Yiddish was the lingua franca among European Jews living in various countries, including Germany, before World War II and the Holocaust.

How similar is Yiddish to German?

Yiddish and German share a large proportion of their vocabularies. In addition, Yiddish has borrowed a large number of Hebrew, and to a lesser extent, Aramaic words, including religious, scholarly, and everyday items. Later, when most European Jews moved eastward, Yiddish borrowed words from Slavic languages.

Can Yiddish and German speakers understand each other?

German. Because they use different alphabets, German and Yiddish are only mutually intelligible when spoken. However, Dutch speakers usually understand more German than the reverse because they study German in school.

Is Yiddish a dying language?

Let’s get one thing straight: Yiddish is not a dying language. While UNESCO officially classifies Yiddish as an “endangered” language in Europe, its status in New York is hardly in doubt.

What came first Yiddish or German?

In this view, Yiddish was invented by Jews who had arrived in Europe with the Roman army as traders, later settling in the Rhineland of western Germany and northern France. Mixing Hebrew, Aramaic and Romance with German, they produced a unique language, not just a dialect of German.

What does it mean if eruv is broken?

The boundaries of an eruv must be checked regularly. If the boundary is not complete and contiguous in every element (i.e., one of the elements of the boundary is missing or broken), no valid eruv can exist that Shabbat, and carrying remains prohibited.

Is Yiddish Germanic or Semitic?

Yiddish first arose through an intricate fusion of two linguistic stocks: a Semitic component (containing postclassical Hebrew and Aramaic that the first settlers brought with them to Europe from the Middle East) and a grammatically and lexically more potent Germanic component (gleaned from a number of High German and …

Can a Yiddish speaker understand a German speaker?

So yes, I would say that Yiddish speakers can understand German. I would say speaker of Yiddish and German could understand each other about 60–80% of the time. Yiddish has mutual intelligibility with speakers of High German dialects then speakers of Low German dialects, since Yiddish diverges from High German.

Are there any Yiddish words in standard English?

For example, “Klutz” (clumsy fellow) is well known in American English, and although it derives from the German “der Klotz” (block), it’s not part of standard German vocabulary. Vice versa, German words with Yiddish origins such as “Kies” (money), “Großkotz” (braggart) and “Pleite” (bankruptcy), are virtually unknown in standard English.

How did Paul Wexler come up with the Yiddish language?

Paul Wexler proposed a model in 1991 that took Yiddish, by which he means primarily eastern Yiddish, not to be genetically grounded in a Germanic language at all, but rather as ” Judeo-Sorbian ” (a proposed West Slavic language) that had been relexified by High German.

How many people in the United States speak Yiddish?

In the 2000 United States Census, 178,945 people in the United States reported speaking Yiddish at home. Of these speakers, 113,515 lived in New York (63.43% of American Yiddish speakers); 18,220 in Florida (10.18%); 9,145 in New Jersey (5.11%); and 8,950 in California (5.00%).