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What items work in Timewalking?


  • Trinkets.
  • Legion Legendaries.
  • Mists of Pandaria Legendary Cloaks.
  • Heart of Azeroth, Azerite Gear and Bfa Legendary Cloak.
  • Shadowlands Legendaries.
  • Rings.
  • Other strong items.
  • Does gear matter in Timewalking?

    Timewalking only scales gear down. Items from older content will not scale up to the correct item level for the Timewalking difficulty. Legendary items scale as well, making them very powerful in Timewalking dungeons.

    What Ilvl is Timewalking gear Shadowlands?

    Loot from Timewalking Dungeon bosses is ilvl 158. Loot from Timewalking vendors is ilvl 138.

    What level is Timewalking raid?

    When: The Ulduar raid is available throughout the Wrath Timewalking event. Difficulty: The difficulty is set to Normal and, like any Normal level raid, will not be available through Raid Finder. Minimum Level: Players level 30 and above are Eligible to participate.

    Do artifact weapons work in Timewalking?

    You do not need to visit your Order Hall to interface with the artifact forge to do this. To open this interface, shift-right-click the artifact weapon to see the relic slots. This allows you to keep your artifact weapon equipped throughout the Legion content if you choose the Legion Timewalking campaign from Chromie.

    Where can I buy Timewalking gear?

    Each Timewalking holiday has a different type of vendor up:

    • Burning Crusade: Cupri in Shattrath.
    • Wrath: Auzin in Dalaran.
    • Cataclysm: Kiatke in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
    • Mists of Pandaria: Mistweaver Xia in Townlong Steppes.
    • Warlords of Draenor: Tempra in Stormshield and Kronnus in Warspear.

    What is the highest Ilvl in Shadowlands?

    level 235
    The lowest rank offers an item level 190 Legendary, while the highest gives you an item level 235 Legendary.

    How many dungeons are in Shadowlands?

    8 dungeons
    There are 8 dungeons in Shadowlands. Of these dungeons, 4 are available for leveling players, with another 4 available at max level.

    What level is Firelands?

    Firelands (instance)

    FL, Fld, FR
    Type Raid
    Advised level 85
    Player limit 10/25

    How hard is Firelands Timewalking?

    When: The Firelands raid is available throughout the Cataclysm Timewalking event. Difficulty: The difficulty is set to Normal and, like any Normal level raid, will not be available through Raid Finder. Minimum Level: Players level 35 and above are eligible to participate.

    Is there any legendary gear for BIS timewalking?

    The only legendary besides Legion ones he has is the MoP cape. I totally get BiS timewalking gear isn’t necessary but I’m sure it’ll speed up the grinding a tad bit.

    Is it worth it to use timewalking gear?

    Edit: Ok I seem to have missed what you were saying initially. For Timewalking yes, older gear is very valuable, it most definitely speeds things up, especially if you have a full group of well prepared and geared players.

    Which is the best definition of a Paladin?

    Definition of paladin 1 : a trusted military leader (as for a medieval prince) 2 : a leading champion of a cause

    Which is better for timewalking helm or shoulders?

    For Timewalking yes, older gear is very valuable, it most definitely speeds things up, especially if you have a full group of well prepared and geared players. The 295-300 Azerite trait gear being the Helm, Shoulders, and Chest are generally better than any other pieces you can get for their slot.