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What is the whole child initiative?

Launched in 2007, ASCD’s Whole Child Initiative is an effort to change the conversation about education from a focus on narrowly defined academic achievement to one that promotes the long term development and success of children.

What are some educational initiatives?

10 Top Education Initiatives

  • Desktop computers; 1:1 laptops; 1:1 tablets; BYOD.
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB); Race to the Top (RTTT); Common Core State Standards (CCSS); Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
  • Scantron testing; computer-based testing; adaptive testing.

What are the 5 tenets of the whole child approach?

Based on the common language of the Commission on the Whole Child (PDF), the initiative began with five tenets of a whole child education—healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged—to provide a framework and understanding of what a whole child approach to education means.

What is whole child approach to education?

A “whole child” education prioritizes the full scope of a child’s developmental needs as a way to advance educational equity and ensure that every child reaches their fullest potential.

What is the definition of the whole child?

A Whole Child Approach. to Education and the Common Core. State Standards Initiative. A whole child approach to education is defined by policies, practices, and relationships that ensure each child, in each school, in each community, is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.

Why is it important to view the whole child?

The objective of the Whole Child Approach is not just to improve students’ academic performances, but also contribute to their overall development. This approach aims to provide students with the assistance and structure for attaining long-term success in all areas of their life.

What is a whole school initiative?

A great initiative can be as small or as large as you wish as long as it benefits someone, or preferably a group of people or the entire school. The point is not to spend a fortune or get into the news but rather to overall make the school a better place to learn, teach and work in.

What are the initiatives of elementary education?

Schemes for Elementary Education

  • Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
  • Mid Day Meal.
  • Mahila Samakhya.
  • Strengthening for providing quality Education in Madrassas ( SPQEM)

Why is it important to support the development of the whole child?

Education lays the foundation for lifelong learning. That’s why it’s important to go beyond math and literacy to educate the whole child. Whole child development “empowers children as creative and engaged citizens who can strengthen the wellbeing of a whole society.”

What are the tenets of education?

Principles of Education

  • Develop independent and interdependent, lifelong learning strategies.
  • Nurture their aspirations, confidence, curiosity, imagination, self-respect and responsibility to others.
  • Explore and adapt to new ideas in both work and leisure.

What is the purpose of whole child approach to child development?

So, what does “whole child development” mean? Nurturing the “whole child” means that teachers, school leaders, and parents focus on a child’s whole self. This includes all aspects of the child’s well-being, including: social-emotional, physical, creative, and cognitive capacities.

Why is it important to educate the whole child?

Whole-child instruction leads to students who are happy, healthy, safe, engaged, and challenged, ensuring they are empowered to chase and achieve their goals—be they in school, work, or life.