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What is the TV code for TCL?

Program Your Cable or Satellite Remote Control to Work with Your TCL Roku TV

Providers Codes for TCL Roku TVs Programming Instructions
CenturyLink 2414, 2434, 3183 CenturyLink
Charter2 11756 Charter
Comcast3 11756, 12434, 12290, 12292 Comcast
Cox Communications 1756, 11756, 12434 Cox

How do I program my Cisco Spectrum remote to my TV?

Cisco Remote Programming

  1. Locate the Manufacturer and codes from the list provided.
  2. Turn on the TV.
  3. On the Remote, press and hold the TV button.
  4. On the Remote, press and hold the OK button.
  5. Release both keys at the same time.
  6. Enter a four digit number matching the TV Manufacturer from the list provided.
  7. Test remote functions.

How do I program my TCL remote to my TCL TV?

Press and hold the HOME and OK buttons on your remote control at the same time.

  1. This will initiate the pairing process.
  2. Note: Make sure to keep the remote within three (3) feet from your TV during the pairing process.

How do I program my evolution remote to my TV?

HD Digital Adapter: Evolution Remote Setup

  1. Press and hold the Setup button until the light on the remote turns green.
  2. Enter the five-digit code for your TV brand. (See the list of common codes for specific TV brands below.)
  3. Press the TV Power button. If the TV turns off, the code has been accepted.

How do I sync my Atlantic Broadband remote to my TV?

How to Program an Atlantic Broadband Remote to My TV

  1. Turn the TV on.
  2. Press and hold the “OK/SEL” and “TV” keys on the Atlantic Broadband remote for three seconds.
  3. Point the remote at the TV.
  4. Press “CH UP” on the remote once every two seconds.
  5. Press the remote’s “TV” key within 30 seconds of the TV powering down.