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What is the postcode of Lipa City Batangas?

Manila Postal Code Manila is the capital city of the Philippines with 16 nearby cities. It was organized under a new postal district of Spain in 1779, encompassing Manila and the entire Philippine archipelago. Zip Code for Lipa City, Batangas – 4217.

What is the postal code of Padre Garcia Batangas?

List of zip codes.

Zip Code Barangay City
4224 Padre Garcia Batangas

What is postal code in Tanauan Batangas?

Tanauan/Zip codes

What is postal code of Laguna?

Laguna Zip Code

Zip Code Laguna Province
4010 Pila
4003 Rizal
4000 San Pablo City
4023 San Pedro City

What is postcode in Batangas?

Batangas City Postcode: 4200 (Number of Postcodes: 1 items).

What is postal code of Leyte?

Leyte Postcode: 6533 (Number of Postcodes: 1 items).

What is postal code of Sta Rosa Laguna?

Laguna ZIP Codes, Postal Codes, and Phone Area Codes

Location ZIP Code/Postal Code Phone Area Code
Santa Maria 4022 49
Santa Rosa 4026 49
Siniloan 4019 49
Victoria 4011 49

What is postal code of San Pedro Laguna?

List of zip codes.

Zip Code Barangay City
4023 San Pedro Laguna

What is the population of Lipa Batangas, Philippines?

Inosloban is a barangay in the city of Lipa, in the province of Batangas. Its population as determined by the 2015 Census was 12,713. This represented 3.82% of the total population of Lipa. According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the highest population in Inosloban is 20 to 24, with 1,419 individuals.

What is the elevation of inosloban Batangas, Philippines?

Inosloban is situated at approximately 13.9904, 121.1698, in the island of Luzon. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 331.4 meters or 1,087.3 feet above mean sea level. Inosloban shares a common border with the following barangay (s): Data on population is from the Philippine Statistics Authority.

What are the postal codes of Batangas province?

The Postal Codes of Batangas Province CITY/MUNICIPALITY POSTAL ZIP CODE Talisay 4220 Tanauan City 4232 Taysan 4228 Tingloy 4203