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What is the pin code of Mehsana 2?

Pincode of Mehsana-2, gujarat, Gujarat is 384002

Pincode 384002
Circle Gujarat
Taluk Mahesana
District Mahesana
State Gujarat

What is Mehsana PIN code?

Mehsana/Zip codes

What is the PIN number of Ahmedabad?

STD & PIN Codes

Sr. No. Place PIN Code
1 Ahmedabad 380001
2 Dhandhuka 382460
3 Dholka 282225
4 Sanand 382110

What is Pincode of becharaji?

Becharaji/Zip codes

Is Mehsana a district?

Mehsana district comprises of 9 talukas viz. Mehsana, Bechraji, Kadi, Kheralu, Vijapur, Satlasna, Vadnagar, Visnagar and Unja. The headquarter of the district is Mehsana taluka. The District Collector is the overall administrative head.

What is Gujarat PIN code?

Districts of Gujarat
Narmada Gujarat
Navsari Gujarat
Panch Mahals Gujarat
Patan Gujarat

Is Mehsana a breed of buffalo?

Mehsana is a dairy breed of buffalo found in Mehsana town in Gujarat and adjoining Maharastra state. Body is mostly black; a few animals are black-brown in colour. The breed is supposed to have been evolved out of crossbreeding between the Surti and the Murrah. The body is longer than in Murrah and the limbs lighter.

Who built Mehsana?

Mesaji Chavda
Mehsana was established by Mesaji Chavda of Chawda Dynasty in Vikram Samwat 1414. Later Gaekwads established their administrative headquarters to mehsana in 1902. In 1947 with India’s independence Mehsana was merged with union of india.

Why PIN code is 6 digit?

Postal Index Number (PIN) or PIN Code is a 6 digit code of Post Office numbering used by India Post. The first digit indicates one of the regions. The second digit indicates the sub region or one of the postal circles (States). The third digit indicates a sorting / revenue district.