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What is the long march quizlet?

The Long March was when Mao and his 100,000 followers fled to Guomindang and they trekked 6,000 miles and they faced daily attacks. The Long March was a symbol of Communist heroism and the march attracted many more followers to Mao.

What were the results of the long march quizlet?

What were the results of the Long March? Communist Party was defeated so they had to take this journey. Thousands died from hunger, cold, exposure and battle wounds. They gained new followers in northwestern China.

How long was the Long March quizlet?

-The Long March has become mythic in the Chinese mind. -distance traveled: spanned about 5,000 miles, final destination: Yan’an in the Shaanxi Province. -emerged as an extraordinary, decisive, unifying and inspiring leader of China.

How did the Communists benefit from the long march quizlet?

How did the Communists benefit from the Long March? They were able to confiscate property and weapons, as well as recruit peasants to join their army.

What did Mao’s Long March accomplish quizlet?

what role did the Long March play in Mao’s rise to power? it established Mao as clear leader of Communists, he was elected Communist Party Leader right after march.

Which 2 events occurred during the Long March?

Cultural Revolution. The Cultural Revolution was launched in China in 1966 by Communist leader Mao Zedong in order to reassert his authority over the Chinese government.

  • Chiang Kai-shek.
  • Mao Zedong.
  • Salt March.
  • Qing Dynasty.
  • March on Washington.
  • Boxer Rebellion.
  • Tiananmen Square Protests.
  • How many communists died in the Long March?

    The campaign continued until the end of 1931, killing approximately 70,000 people and reducing the size of the Red Army from 40,000 to less than 10,000. The de facto leader of the party at the time, Zhou Enlai, originally supported Mao’s purges as necessary to eliminate KMT spies.

    Why was the long march a failure?

    Ways in which the Long march can be considered a failure: The communists suffered between 150000 and 170000 casualties and defections during the Long March. The Communists were surrounded and looked as though they were on the brink of defeat. Relocating, even at huge cost, allowed them to regroup.

    What was a result of the long march?

    Overview map of the route of the Long March

    Date 16 October 1934 – 22 October 1935 (1 year, 6 days)
    Location Republic of China From Jiangxi to Shaanxi
    Result Armies of the Communist Party of China evade the Chinese Nationalist Party armies and KMT-aligned warlords

    How many died on the Long March?

    The campaign continued until the end of 1931, killing approximately 70,000 people and reducing the size of the Red Army from 40,000 to less than 10,000.